Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Tell Me It's Not Monday

When Monday morning arrived, I was greeted with two extremes: Aidan, who I love deeply, and a migraine, which I loathe. I had originally planned on leaving very early, because it's easier to drive the bulk of 12 hours in daylight. But as the weekend had passed by so quickly, I'd decided to stay until Aidan had to go to work, around lunchtime. Now that  I was facing a migraine, I didn't know what to do at all.

My sweetheart brought me coffee again, which I needed desperately. I don't know if the migraine was from the lack of sleep and all the excitement, or the stress and sadness of having to leave so soon after I arrived. I lay in bed fairly listlessly with a heat pack on my head, and quietly chatted with Aidan. The closeness was soothing to me, as was his voice and his hand as he laid it on my head. I felt so bad that I was out of it during our last few hours together, but at least we were together, that was all that truly mattered.

The more I stressed over having the migraine, whether to attempt driving with a migraine, and the fact that the kids were home in Michigan expecting me home that day, the worse the pain got. I tried to stop thinking too far ahead and just on the moment, praying the pain would subside. Eventually the meds and coffee and prayer helped, and the pain did lighten enough for me to get ready to go. Aidan offered that I just stay in bed and leave Tuesday, but as much as I was dying to do that, I knew I had responsibilities at home. Eventually it was inevitable and we headed out with my stuff to the van.

I said goodbye to Jim in the driveway, and got a good ole' Irish hug. It was awesome to have spent time with Aidan's close friends. I knew I'd miss them as well. I began to get a pain in my chest as I knew the final little while before Aidan and I parted had arrived -- the kind of pain that feels like your heart is crying. Aidan and I stopped at BoJangle's for lunch on the way to his work. It was hard to swallow. I willed myself to keep it together and enjoy every last second of this time together. We called Martin on the phone so I could say goodbye to him as well, and I thanked him for welcoming me and letting me stay at "the frat house." Such great friends Aidan has.

We pulled up in the lot outside the pub and a heavy silence filled the space between us. Aidan told me not to cry, and I did well holding it in. Last kisses and hugs were beautiful and heart wrenching at the same time. We knew full well how much we were going to miss each other. Distance is not for the weak-hearted, that is for sure. The other thing we knew is that we were going to be together again, and this parting was only temporary. That was comforting and exciting. And so, it was time....He went into work, and I hit the road. Breathe in, breathe out. 

Moments after I pulled away, we were both sending texts to each other that said the same thing .. "I miss you already!" My heart just ached. My head still hurt, and I wanted to rewind the weekend and experience it all over again.

What a long drive I had ahead of me. Going to North Carolina to see Aidan was a breeze -- I couldn't get there fast enough. But heading home was hard, not that I hadn't missed the kids and my family -- I just hadn't had enough time with Aidan. But I was overjoyed with the love we'd found for each other and giddy thinking about what was ahead of us. Happy thoughts got me through the drive; happy thoughts, and loads of messages and calls from my sweet Aidan.

At one point during the drive, somewhere in Eastern Ohio, I'd pulled off to get gas and walked into McDonald's to grab a coffee. While I waited in line, I noticed the song playing on the radio -- Oh My Sweet Carolina. Once again my heart was just aching. I couldn't believe of all the songs in the world, THAT would be playing in a McDonald's in Eastern Ohio at exactly the moment I was standing there. About then, a little boy came running in the door and zipped right past me. Following a bit behind was his mother, who called out, "Aidan! Aidan come here right now .. slow down Aidan!"


There are times like this when no other words fit the experience except for these: It's just a God thing. All I could do was smile. I realized that my life was permanently changed ... and wherever this new journey took me, I was by far not alone. Aidan, my love, a little bit of Carolina, and a whole lot of God. And it felt right and it felt good, and regardless of the distance, my heart was happy.

The rest of the drive was monotonous and after a while I just wanted my bed and sleep. Aidan stayed in touch with me the entire time, which was awesome. I also had a long conversation with Autumn, and it was fun to get her take on Aidan and I. She said we were cute together and that we just seemed to "fit each other." So sweet ... I felt exactly the same way.

I somehow managed to get home in less time than it took me to get to Charlotte. I let Aidan know I'd made it safely, and we were missing each other something awful. I couldn't wait to get to bed and close my eyes and just dream about everything that had just happened. At least I could meet Aidan in my dreams. 

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