Monday, February 10, 2014

Just Another Weekend in Paradise

When I awoke on Sunday morning, I was immediately filled with a tidal wave of emotions. I still felt as if I were dreaming, being able to reach out and touch my sweet Aidan still blew my mind. I was just beginning to feel a bit revived after having been so dreadfully tired ... And yet, it hit me, it was already Sunday. Time was flying by and I just wanted it to slow down. I was so thankful for this time we had together -- we both were -- neither of us wanted it to end.

Once again, I put it out of my mind that the weekend was nearly over, and I focused on enjoying every second we had together. Aidan disappeared to the kitchen and returned with a steamy hot cup of coffee, sweetened to perfection, just for me.

This man must truly love me. He already knows exactly how I take my coffee ... and he brings it to me first thing in the morning ... What a sweet hearted man, this one I love to bits. Can I keep him?? 

We lounged together, sipping coffee and chatting about anything and everything. Aidan had to work that day, and I had more homework to do. I also had planned to visit my niece and her little family only 30 minutes from Charlotte. At some point we got ready to go and hit the road.

It's funny, this may not seem like anything special, but to me, it felt amazing. I dropped Aidan at work, kissed him goodbye, and went shopping and on with my day, knowing we would be together later that night. It was a glimpse of just... daily life, being 'us.' Living in two different states, spending a day like this isn't possible all that often, and I was thankful to experience it. Come to think of it, I find that I am continually in a state of thankfulness for everything Aidan and I share. I have never known what it was like to feel that way in a relationship. What we have between us truly cannot be compared to anything else.

Instead of going back to the house, I decided to visit Charlotte's Ikea store. I have a not-so-secret love affair with Ikea, and I was happy to have some time to wander around and just reflect on the last couple of days. I also had time to make a couple of phone calls and check in with my family back home. I'm sure my mom thought I was high as a kite once I called her, I sounded like a giddy was just fun to share a little about our first weekend together.

As I wandered around Ikea, I received sweet messages on my phone from Aidan. We already missed each other, even though it had only been an hour or two apart. Oh what are we going to do when I have to go back to Michigan..? My mind tried to go there, but I willed it to stop.

After a couple of hours, I headed back to Aidan's house. Even that felt exciting. It was all just so ... normal. I know how that sounds, but it was surreal. Being able to head back to his room and crash, kick back, do my homework, toss some laundry, watch TV ... Daydream. And miss him like mad all over again. I swear, every time I found myself drifting off into deep thought about him or about us, it was if he sensed it, because my phone would go off and there would be a sweet message from him again. This connection we have is so strong, I am always in awe of it.

I was just finishing up my work and planning to head to my niece's when Aidan called and told me he was able to get out early and go with me. How fun!! I was going to be able to introduce him to a part of my family. That made me very happy!

Now the trick was remembering how to find the pub in downtown Charlotte on my own ... Thank goodness for Siri on my iPhone! It was dark by the time I was going to pick him up. I found the parking lot and pulled in and let him know via text that I had arrived. I had butterflies waiting for him. He came out and jumped in the van ... My gosh, how I loved this man.

Poor Aidan had to put up with my driving. I'm normally a good driver, but I had no idea where I was going, and I was paying more attention to our conversation than to directions on the highway. What a hoot! Can I just say how much I loathe exits that veer off to the left instead of the right? Finally the surroundings began to seem familiar. I had been there in Denver to visit my niece last Spring. It blew my mind how close she lived to Aidan! What a small world.

It was heaven to see them all again. Her little babies were already growing like weeds! I hadn't seen Lizzie since she was not much more than a newborn, and here she was rolling around already and smiling from ear to ear (or lug to lug, as the Irishman says!) And Elijah was running all over the place, bright eyed and busy. I missed them all so much. We had a late dinner and sat around just chatting. I loved to see my niece, Autumn and her hubby, Brian, with Aidan -- it felt so good to have my family get to know him, too. And what a conversation! Aidan, I swear, has a photographic memory. We were talking about the test for citizenship in the U.S. and the dozens of history questions. We three Americans struggled to get the right answers, yet Aidan rattled them off without a drop of sweat! Hilarious.

It was getting late, so we said our goodbyes and headed back to Charlotte. This was my last night there...already. Where had the time gone??? I wasn't ready for it to end yet.

The weekend was almost over, but our time together was far from ending. We were just beginning .... <3

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