Thursday, February 6, 2014

Pinch Me .. Am I Dreaming?

After we stood there in awe of finally being close to each other, Aidan took my hand and asked me to come in. We walked through the back door and crept quietly into the house, as the other guys were still sleeping. He led me down a hall and to his room, and closed the door behind us.

I can't believe I'm in Aidan's room. I must be dreaming! 

I glanced around, and it was surreal. I felt like I had magically landed on the other side of the Skype screen that I'd been staring at for the past three weeks. Aidan took my coat and hung it up in his closet and asked me sit down. I know it will sound completely ridiculous, but I immediately felt at home.

Aidan leaned back on the bed and told me to lay back and relax. He kept staring at me. "I can't believe you drove all the way here from Michigan!" he exclaimed. I laid back against the pillows, and stared right back. It felt so good to stretch out ... my body felt like it was still moving after being in the van on the road for so many hours.

"I couldn't wait any longer, Aidan! We had to be together in one room..." I admitted. We laid there, just soaking all of this in. He put his arms around me and hugged me tight. It felt so good. I could feel his heart beating through his shirt. We both kept gazing at each other, neither of us truly believing this was happening!

After a few minutes, Aidan said he'd be right back, and left the room, closing the door behind him. I continue to lay there, just looking around, staring at his pillow, taking it all in. A few minutes later, he returned, and told me he couldn't help himself, he just had to wake up the guys and tell them who surprised him this morning....He was like a little boy on Christmas morning. The guys were just as shocked, I think.

As much as I was overwhelmingly excited to finally be with Aidan, I was also overwhelmingly exhausted and fading fast. I felt so bad, but I could barely keep my eyes open. Aidan told me to close my eyes and rest for awhile. His voice was so soothing to me. We snuggled up and within seconds I fell asleep...I don't think he was far behind.

When I think back to that first morning together, I am reminded of what a beautiful thing we found in each other...We were immediately comfortable together, as if we'd known each other for much longer. I knew we had fallen for each other over Skype, and I got in the van in Michigan to head down to Charlotte, never worrying about the "what if we don't like each other in person" thing ... And being with Aidan in person, feeling like I'd just found my home in his arms, confirmed the love we had for one another. I don't think it was any coincidence that Renee and I met up for breakfast that day, for her to tell me to get my behind in the van and go straight to Charlotte. And I don't think Aidan and I just randomly bumped into each other on the Twine app three weeks prior. When something is meant to be, everything in the universe readjusts for it to happen. Aidan says " was in the stars, so it was!" Both Aidan and I prayed for happiness and love in our lives ... and God listens.

When I woke up, I wasn't sure where I was. I thought I had dreamed that I was in Aidan's room, but as soon as I came to, and opened my eyes, there he was, those beautiful blue eyes looking at me. His smile was warm and loving, and his touch was so gentle. He said, "We already make music together, love."

Oh dear God in heaven, I snore. 

I had been so stupidly tired that it never entered my mind!! I said, "Oh noooo, was I snoring??"

"As was I, love! Like I said, music together!" Aidan answered.

This man has the most loving, positive spirit. I have heard myself say it a thousand times, he is just a joy to be with! And he always has me laughing!

We spent another few minutes enjoying the realization that neither of us had dreamed me driving down from Michigan, and then Aidan offered COFFEE.

If there is one thing about me, it's that mornings mean coffee. (Well, afternoons mean coffee, and sometimes evenings mean coffee. But certainly mornings mean coffee!) And we had dreamed about sharing morning coffee together.

We headed to the kitchen, where I was immediately speechless, as it was decorated in a retro theme complete with a Hoosier cupboard, chrome table and chairs and unique tins and treasures from England lined the shelves around the top of the room. Not what I'd expected from a bachelor pad! Very charming. Aidan got the coffee going, and in came Martin, (from England) who owns (and decorates) the house. He was very friendly and welcoming to me, which I was thankful for. After all, I just crashed his house unexpected! (hehehe. These poor guys.)

Aidan and I sat staring at each other, sipping coffee and holding hands. Again, I felt like this was a dream! I couldn't stop staring at him. When he'd get up to get more coffee, my eyes followed his every move, and in my mind, I'd hear myself ... That's my true love right there.  And my face would erupt in a huge smile again. I felt so ...whole ... being with him. I felt like I had been missing him, even though we hadn't known each other.

A few minutes later, the other happy Irishman waltzed into the kitchen. I stood up to shake Jim's hand but instead I got a big welcoming hug! We chatted for a bit about my surprise visit. It made me so happy that Aidan's friends were so warm and welcoming to me.

After a bit, Aidan called his sister back home in Ireland, Fionnuala. For the first time, I was able to meet her on speaker phone while Aidan told her how I just showed up playing postman that morning. I secretly hoped his family wouldn't think I was completely out of my gourd!

I knew immediately that I wasn't going to want that weekend to end. I only had a couple of days before I would have to head back to Michigan, but I put it out of my mind and focused on the miracle of being with Aidan in the same room, finally. Pure heaven!!

I am so thankful for every single second right now....The ability to reach out and touch his hand...Feeling his arm around my waist as we walk .... Looking up at him and catching his stare...Hugs that turn into kisses .... All of the things most couples take for granted, seemed like a million little gifts to me. This love that we found was the greatest gift. <3

Finally together!

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