Saturday, February 8, 2014


Aidan and I spent the morning together, sipping coffee and enjoying every minute of just being together. After awhile, we jumped into Jim's Durango and headed into town to stop at the pub where Aidan works. I was excited to see it in person, as I'd only caught glimpses of it over Skype.

On the way downtown, I was able to sit back and enjoy the sights of Charlotte. I'd been around the city on my way to my niece's and sister's but never actually in it. So far I loved what I was seeing...We passed beautiful churches, unique architecture and in the distance, the skyline. I was sitting in the backseat, and Aidan was in front with Jim. I got tingles when Aidan reached back to find my hand to hold. I had learned that Aidan was very loving through our messages, calls, and Skype...But now I was experiencing it on a whole different level.

It's hard to put into words what it's like to fall in love with someone before meeting them in person, I suppose because it's so different than the "norm." When people meet the conventional way, there is a gradual growing affection as they're getting to know each other better, and holding hands, sitting close, lingering hugs, are all a part of that process. With us, we spent hours sharing dreams, talking about our lives, exchanging stories from our pasts, and falling into each other's eyes ... all without being able to share physical touch. Falling in love before ever being close is mind blowing. Every kiss speaks from the soul. There is so much electricity in each touch. It's like ... Waiting in line for what seems like an eternity to ride the most exhilarating roller coaster... The anticipation wells up inside of you.... You close your eyes, trying with everything that you are to imagine what it will feel like to finally be on the ride.... But it's just too far beyond the realm of imagination. All you can do is wait, until it's finally your turn to experience the magic. And it's electrifying ... Far greater than you ever imagined.

The pub where Aidan works is quaint and charming, what I would expect an Irish pub to be like. I was also able to meet the owner, which was a pleasant surprise. It was awesome to be able to picture where Aidan worked.

Maria's gorgeous dog, Guinness
After that, we headed over to Jim's girlfriend Maria's house for Thanksgiving leftovers for lunch -- but Jim didn't tell her I was coming. All she knew is that he and Aidan were bringing a surprise. When we pulled up, Maria was in the yard with her gorgeous dog, Guinness. Jim and Aidan hopped out of the car, and around I came, following. The look on her face was priceless, when Aidan introduced us. He started to explain that I had completely surprised him by driving all the way to Charlotte from Michigan. She handed Aidan the dog, and welcomed me with the warmest hug! Maria was so sweet, and told me how thankful she was that I had arrived. I immediately felt at home with her as well. Such a blessing, not only Aidan, but his friends were so sweet to me. I remain extremely thankful for such a gift.

Maria's house was so inviting and I adored her decor! It was very apparent that she and I had loads in common. I walked around admiring her beautiful antiques, the warm wood, the unique collection of prints on the mantel. And every time I turned around, Aidan was there and my heart leaped. Stolen kisses and flirty glances, it was all delicious and felt so good. Sharing stories with Jim and Maria, this immediate couples time was heavenly. We enjoyed tasty leftovers and wonderful conversation.

Unfortunately, I had homework looming over my head, so we headed back to the guys' house with plans to return later. I was still so very tired after being awake for so many hours .... we decided to nap for awhile. I don't even remember how long I slept but it felt good to close my eyes for awhile. I ended up taking my homework back to Maria's and worked on it there. After, Aidan and I cuddled on the sofa, staring into the fire that he'd built when Jim and Maria were out picking up pizza and a movie. Aidan shared how much he'd been thinking of what our life together would look like, our house, our fireplace, how wonderful it would feel to have this closeness we were sharing, everyday. I loved how he dreamed about us, and how freely and openly he shared with me what was on his mind and in his heart.

The pizza was amazing, and we were watching Lord of the Rings. As the night went on, my eyes became so heavy. I had Aidan's strong arms around me, and I'm afraid to know how many times I started to drift off, feeling so safe and so cozy. I will always be embarrassed to think of how dopey I became that night, I fought so hard to keep it together and stay awake, but I just ran out of energy. Finally Aidan asked if I was tired and we headed back to their house. What a wonderful day we'd had!! Great food, wonderful company, and togetherness.

This is what real happiness feels like ... Loving and being loved ... laughing and sharing ... being close ... I don't ever want this to end ... .

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