Thursday, February 20, 2014

Adventures in Ireland ... From Small Town America

During the next several days, the reality of the physical distance that lay between Aidan and I began to sink in. But aside from the time difference of five hours, we stayed in contact pretty much continually just as we did when he was in the States. I loved to hear about the time he was spending with his family and about bumping into old friends and neighbors as the month went on. I continued to pray for his mammy's recovery in the hospital.

I wanted to send flowers to her, and sending them internationally wasn't something I'd done before. I figured it couldn't be too hard with the power of the internet. True to form, I wanted it to be a surprise, though, and I had no idea which town or hospital Aidan's mammy was in. 

Enter Private Investigator Rochelle. Why I'm in school for psychology, I'll never know. I have spent more hours sleuthing online in the last several years than I can count! 

I could have just asked Aidan where his mother was but that was too easy. Soooo back to Facebook to scout. I can't remember which relative's page I linked to from Aidan's page but I managed to notice a post with a location name that got my attention. After some googling, Voila! I found it. I went back to Google and found a flower shop in the UK and proceeded to place an order. 

But of course, there had to be a little adventure in all of this, right? 

The next day (remember, the five hour time difference) I got an email asking for the ward that Aidan's mammy was in. ??? Here in Michigan we don't have wards anymore, we have floors, so I was at a loss again. Hmmm. Well, I had two options. Ask Aidan, (nope not gonna) or call the wee country of Ireland me'self. And that I did. The hospital receptionist was very helpful, and gave me the ward Aidan's mammy was in. And back to the flower shop online I went. 

After a bit of a miscommunication between online floral representatives and a misplaced order, I ended up searching for a florist that was located near the hospital and called them directly. I spoke a very helpful girl who took care of my order personally and offered that I call her directly if ever I need anything for Aidan's family in the future. It was a wonderful experience overall. 

It wasn't long after that phone call that I heard from Aidan that the surprise flowers had been delivered, and I was so thankful that his mammy could enjoy them. It was so good to hear his voice again.  

But I was missing Aidan something awful. It was Christmas time and I had had dreams about spending Christmas with Aidan here, and how romantic New Year's would be together. We still weren't sure when he'd be coming back to the States but we knew it wouldn't be until after the holidays. I just remained very thankful that we had the ability to Skype and stay in touch, and I tried to stay busy the rest of the time; after all, I had shopping and baking and visiting to do here. 

Aidan's mammy was able to go home from the hospital right before Christmas Eve. How wonderful for the family to be able to have her home for the holidays. I was so happy for them! Christmas morning came, and sure enough, my sweetheart rang the phone. It was the best gift to be able to chat that morning. Over the next week, we chatted and Skyped and shared holiday stories with each other from a distance, but I felt closer than ever before to Aidan. 

As I've mentioned before, there is just something precious about the way we are able to share so much with each other even though we aren't physically together. Of course I'd give anything to be able to be in the same room with Aidan, but until then, we continue to spend as much time together over video and messaging as we can. And the more time we spend, the deeper I fall in love with that man. His heart, his humor, his love, ... Such an amazing guy. 

I won't lie .. New Year's Eve was especially difficult for me. Going into a new year with this wonderful new love we had found was very symbolic, and I longed to share it with Aidan. Of course I fully understood and respected his need to be at home with his family --completely without hesitation or question; but my heart did ache for him and I was feeling a bit down that night, once the kids were off playing in their rooms and I found myself sitting alone, staring at the New York City party on TV with only the Christmas tree lights twinkling. 

The phone rang. I glanced at the clock, it was 6:59 pm. 

"Hey darlin, it's me. Here in Ireland we have 37 seconds until the New Year, and I wouldn't want to spend this time with anyone but you..." Aidan shared. 

Just when I thought I couldn't possibly love this man anymore ... ! 

Warm tears ran down my cheek. "Yes my love ... I want to spend this time with you!" 

We kissed over the phone as 2014 landed in Ireland, spoke softly about the journey ahead for us that we were so excited to share, and just sat there, as together as we could be, in the moment. My heart was bursting with thankfulness for this time with Aidan, and it truly made New Year's something far more special than I could have dreamed, in light of our circumstances. We promised each other that next year, we'd be together for the holidays. 

When midnight came around for me, Aidan surely was fast asleep and I didn't want to wake him by ringing the phone. I sent messages to his inbox as the clock struck 12am. I went to sleep that night with very happy and unique memories of New Year's Eve. 

Neither of us knew for sure how 2014 would play out, but we did know one thing for sure: The love we had for each other would sustain us regardless of the distance or circumstances, and we'd be together one way or another. 

There is not a happier girl in this big ole' world than this one! One day at a time, we'll get through this adventure and find a way to enjoy every moment of it :-)

1 comment:

  1. Just keeps getting better and better. Such a beautiful love story. I love Aidan too!
