Monday, April 21, 2014

Pack Your Boots!

Only 58 more days.

I haven't enjoyed X-ing off days on the calendar since I was a little girl waiting for Christmas. There is something reenergizing and joyful about having such a wonderful reunion to look forward to.  Furthermore, I am not one who enjoys packing and trying to plan ahead for what to take on a trip, but this is the exception!

Some weeks ago I wrote about my first trip to Europe and the 11 pair of shoes I took. I swore I wouldn't do the same thing on this trip.

And then Aidan said yesterday, "You're talking about packing - you better bring your boots. The weather isn't looking so good for summer, it might get cold at night."

"Like, wellies?" I was already planning on bringing my wellies.

"No -- your regular boots, you might need them," he answered, quite seriously.

OK, sweet love of mine. One pair of boots is heavy. Now two pair of boots are on the list. And I have to have good walking/hiking shoes. And pretty shoes or sandals to wear with my skirts/dresses. Dang it's painful to try to be beautiful (hehe)!! And clothes. And a jacket. My poor love has no idea what he's in for. Because when I start thinking 'boots' -- I then start thinking about things to wear with boots and that's a whole different line of clothing.

Meg Ryan in French Kiss
The irony here is that I am not a fashionista by any means. Yes of course I try to look nice, but I'm not one that's all about the clothes. And, I remember long ago I watched the movie, French Kiss, with Meg Ryan. She ends up in Europe with only her backpack because her luggage was stolen. For the duration of her time there, she managed to get by with just the clothes on her back and she swapped out the layers to make several different outfits. I thought, "AHA! There IS a way to take next to nothing, and get by just fine!" (Never mind the fact that it was Hollywood and drop dead gorgeous Meg Ryan...nah. That doesn't have anything to do with it.) AND ... I just had a conversation with my mom, who is WAY WAY worse than I ever thought of being when it comes to packing (sorry Mom) -- she was having a heck of a time trying to downsize her ever-growing pile of clothes for a few week trip to visit family in the Carolinas and I told her, "Mom -- seriously. What will happen if you don't have  a ton of choices in clothes?? Will you die? Will you have to stay inside and not go out to sightsee? Will someone take away your birthday? If you find you're seriously too short on clothes, there's a reason to go shopping!"

Yet, here I sit, 58 whole days before MY trip and I'm already talking about it!


I read. A LOT. Research a LOT. I've read several pieces on traveling in Ireland and the suggestions of what to take. I also read a piece on 'how to not look American' which really made me laugh. When it comes down to it though, I just want to look nice for Aidan. (Read: Not like a frumpy-living-out-of-a-bag girl.)

It would just be easier if I wore a burka.

But a burka doesn't work well with wellies, nor for chasing sheep. Nor for looking ....ahem, ... attractive to my sweetheart. Skip the burka.

I won't lie -- I LOVE this look!
Speaking of wellies, how and when did they become such a fashion statement? I think it's hysterical. While I've only seen a few pair around my area in the last several months, I see that in other cities around the world, they certainly have become popular! I have to say, I love the idea. But then again, I've always been drawn to the unique, earthy, borderline boho kind of thing.

Oh well. I'll figure it out. I hope. The most important thing is that I get to be with Aidan again. I'll just borrow his clothes if I have to. There's something sexy and cozy about wearing your man's big ole shirt anyway. :-)

Besides. His big ole' shirt would go GREAT with my green wellies....

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