Friday, April 25, 2014

Gonna Need a Bigger Suitcase

Aidan gave me the more wonderful news the other day over Skype: We've been invited to a wedding -- RIGHT after my arrival! As in, the next day?! I am SO excited. I've always heard about Irish weddings and I can't wait to go. Even more exciting is that I get to be on the arm of my true love. Aidan asked, "So, you will have an outfit to wear then?"

This is me you're talking to, Darlin'. The one overplanning/overpacking/trying not to take 11 pair of shoes but at least two pair of boots and counting. 

"Yes of course, Love! I plan to come prepared -- seven weeks is no short visit. I figure, sun, rain, warm, cold, weddings, funerals, dates, sheep, cleaning/working, sleeping .. I will have it covered!" I happily chattered back.

But over the next day or two, it began to dawn on me: DO I have an outfit appropriate for an Irish wedding?? Hmmmm.

I have a handful of nice dresses, sure. But -- how can I be sure what I have is good enough? I want to look nice for Aidan and I surely don't want to stick out like a sore thumb.

I decided to hit the internet yet again; after all the world IS at our fingertips these days. Since I'd seen that wonderful singing priest a few weeks back on YouTube, surely there'd be other weddings in Ireland posted, right?

Can you imagine -- the very first thing I end up finding when I searched for Irish weddings on YouTube is from RTE - Republic of Telly (comedy) entitled, "Every Irish Wedding Ever." Oh I was in hysterics. THIS is my first researched taste of Irish weddings.

I did manage to find other wedding clips in my search, as well, and I'm finding one distinct difference in wedding guests between here in the U.S. and there in Ireland. HATS.

Glorious hats. Huge hats. Fancy hats. Odd hats. Old fashioned hats. Modern hats. HATS.

Now, I love hats. I have had several over the years, more when my hair was long than recently. I don't think I could pull off a hat though, now. Mostly because of what comes from wearing a hat -- HAT HAIR. That would be disastrous. So I'm on the fence at best on the hat issue -- not to mention, how I'd get a hat to Ireland in one, uncrushed piece would be an adventure in itself -- I can see it now. My wellies are too heavy to pack in the suitcase, so I'd have to wear them on the plane. And so as not to crush my gigantic fancy-enough-for-a-wedding glorious hat, I couldn't pack it either, I'd have to wear it, on the plane. Wellies and a fancy hat!! Can you imagine? Aidan would be high-tailing it over the Mournes faster than you can say "The plane landed and your girlfriend is here!"

The other thing that seems to be getting my attention is the fact that so many of the women wear very elegant dresses. I don't own anything so fancy anymore. I will definitely have to go dress shopping for this affair, something that will be exciting and a bit of an adventure. But you know what else just hit me? If I get a new dress, I will need matching shoes.

Another pair of shoes!? 

I can hear Aidan rolling in laughter now!!

Soooo I may not have this whole wedding attire thing as sorted out as I originally thought, but I am just dancing up a storm in anticipation!! How fun. And, weddings are romantic. I just can't wait to do something like this with Aidan -- it's definitely something we've not yet done together. Yay us! (Oh, I know, I know. I'm excited about EVERY little thing we get to do together. I just can't help it! When you spend so much time apart and salivating over togetherness, watching commercials between TV shows together even begins to sound fun and romantic.)

I'm so glad April is almost over -- May will be busy with the last full month of school and shopping for the trip and prepping the boys to look after the house and the pets while I'm gone, so I know it will begin to go by a little faster. As of now we still have 53 days left until our flight. UGH I just can't wait!!! I miss Aidan so much.  So thankful that we found each other. What a journey we are sharing together!!! <3

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