Saturday, April 19, 2014

Counting Down to Co Down

It feels so good to finally be able to say, "In less than two months, Aidan and I will be together in Ireland." It's mind boggling to think we haven't been together since the end of November. We have done so well at staying connected on a daily basis that it doesn't seem like it's been so long. On the other hand, it feels like we've been apart for a year. I just can't wait to get there.

I've now come to realize that from this point on, time will pass rather quickly. I have been shopping here and there, finding a few new outfits to take. I was perusing luggage in the store today, because Jillian doesn't have a suitcase. I must have looked so funny, walking slowly by the displays of suitcases, running my hand over this one or that one, with a ridiculous smile on my face. I was walking in the store -- but in my mind, I was 3000 miles away, walking off a plane in Dublin, with my eyes searching the crowd for my love. Then I began to worry about the fact that I'm not the lightest packer, especially going somewhere for as long as seven weeks. I'm afraid Aidan's sister will have to find a bigger car to fit us and all of our stuff!! Yikes! (hehehe)

Yesterday, my mom called from the car -- they are traveling in the South visiting my sister. The night before, my parents had watched an old episode of Murder, She Wrote, which happened to take place in Ireland. She had a concerned sound in her voice as she said, "I saw how beautiful it is there... I'm afraid you're not going to want to come back home once you've spent time there with Aidan!" I chuckled at that. It's not the first time I've heard that. Aidan's friends have told him the same thing about me coming there. But it's not that easy. I assured my mother that of course I'll return to the States. After all, my boys are staying here, my house is here, it's just not as easy as jumping on a plane and deciding to stay.  I didn't disagree with her; I told her I know I'm going to love it already. She told me, "You guys can go back and visit!" Of course we will go back. I can't even say that I wouldn't want to live there someday. What a wonderful experience that would be, and how precious to have that time with Aidan's family. Someday, someday. Who knows?!

Jillian was looking up videos about fairies again on YouTube this morning. She's on the fence about wanting to find any because she has heard stories about the tricks they play. It cracks me up. When I first mentioned fairies to her, she was very matter-of-fact about them not existing. Rolling her eyes, with the classic "Oh Moth-er!" look. Then, she was curious enough to read a little about fairy forts, "just to be nice" to me because it was my suggestion. And now, she runs off and searches on her own. At a doctor's appointment yesterday, she mentioned to the nurse about us spending the summer in Ireland, and right away the nurse excitedly talked about her own time in Ireland, back when she was in college. Her roommate was from there and they flew back to Dublin and stayed with the girl's parents in an apartment over the Guinness factory in Dublin. The nurse went on and on about the beauty of the country, the friendliness of the people, and the tasty food. I watched Jillian listening to her.... I could see the excitement  welling up in my daughter. It's becoming more real to her bit by bit.

Aidan and I are not the only dreamers about our future together: We both have found that some of our friends already have very good feelings about us, which is so sweet to hear. My friend Jill commented on a video I'd shared of three older ladies dancing their tushes off, "We're going to dance like that at your 25th wedding anniversary!!" It makes me so happy to hear that others are so happy that we found each other. I know I sure am!

And bless Aidan's heart, he's so good to me in regard to my love for the sheep! He has sent me two videos of the little lambs and oh my goodness, are they ever cute!! I can't wait to love on them!! I just wish I was there now so I could help bottle feed the couple that need it. By the time I get there, those little lambs will be much bigger already!

Aidan has been enjoying the little quizzes on Facebook: What color are you? What country should you have been born in? What flower are you? and so on. They are a series of questions (no idea how much of the questions pertain to the final analysis but it's fun regardless) and after completing them, it  scores you. One test told
Aidan he should have been born in the US. That test told me I should've been born in France! Another was a test all about the State slogans -- you had to look at a license plate with the slogan on it and guess the state. Aidan got them all right! Not me -- I had several wrong. On a test about America, my butt was kicked by an Irishman. But don't laugh too hard -- we both took the quiz entitled, "Are you Irish enough for St Patrick's Day?" All about Irish history/food/customs. Guess what? Aidan got 11/15. Me? PERFECT SCORE! I guess all my recent research paid off! I just love the team we have become. How fun!

I can't wait to spend normal days with Aidan. We play off each other so well, and just being able to share mornings, meals, coffee, chores, TV, the couch ... Sounds silly, but I just can't wait to have that time with him. He brings so much joy to my life and no matter what is going on, he makes me smile and cracks me up. Today was a perfect example. Life's stresses just really got to me today and I kind of lost it; I became teary and just bummed out, overwhelmed, overtired. As soon as I saw Aidan on Skype, he had me smiling again. I am so, so thankful for the gift of being able to spend my life with him. I'm just so excited for our time together to start!

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