Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Passing the Time

One month and twelve days. It's getting so close that I can almost taste it.

I remember the day I realized we could say "I'll see you in less than two months!" and how ecstatic that made me feel after having endured so many months apart. When May arrived, I couldn't wait to say "I'll see you NEXT MONTH!" This morning I decided it sounded better to say "one month and twelve days" than 'almost seven weeks'. Sappy and trivial, yes. But I can't help it.

The other night I was so engrossed in imagining Aidan and I reuniting in Dublin airport that I actually found myself searching YouTube for airport reunion videos. (There are a zillion.) I then stumbled upon long distance relationship stories that ended up in airport settings. Funny how it was somehow comforting to know we aren't the only hopelessly-in-love-yet-separated-by-1000s-of-miles couples around.

Aidan and I talk about how these last several weeks apart may seem to drag, yet we both know how fast seven weeks together in Ireland will go by. Our weekend together back in November seemed to be over in a blink of an eye. The only thing that I find soothing about the thought of seven weeks flying by is that Aidan will be coming back to the States in August, too. We have so much to look forward to, time in Ireland, time in Michigan, time in North Carolina ... most of all, just realizing that we will be together no matter where we end up is the amazing part of it.

Today marks six months that Aidan and I have been together, and it's hard to imagine that the majority of that time we have been on different sides of the ocean. So many times during the day I find myself daydreaming about Aidan being here with me, working on the house, running the kids around, going out to dinner. Then I chat with him on Skype and he tells me the same thing, how he was at work and found himself thinking about he and I being out to eat together, or walking hand in hand outside or just cuddling up in front of the TV. I don't think I've ever hungered to just be breathing the same air as another person so badly as I do to be with Aidan. We can't wait to share everything with each other.

This past weekend, my brother, Dan, came to Michigan from New York. I hadn't seen him since Christmas. I was so excited for my brother to be able to meet Aidan over Skype. I'm very close to Danny and he has heard me pine over Aidan all these months, it was important for me to get to chat with both of them together at the same time, finally. It's funny -- now Aidan is "real" to my brother. He's so happy for us. It means a lot to me to hear that. On top of that, our lives are slowly intertwining. I'm getting to know Aidan's sister-in-law now over Facebook, too, and he's become 'friends' on Facebook with my mom. All of these little things mean so much to me, because it's not so easy to share everything from such a distance.

I have to laugh. When Aidan and I started Skyping, I remember before we'd chat, I'd look in the mirror, fix my makeup, try to look 'put together' for my sweetheart. These days I rarely have the chance. As of late, Aidan's had a few early mornings that he's off to work, so he calls me before he leaves, which I LOVE. But early mornings for Aidan in Ireland means the middle of the night for me here in the States. More often than not, I'm answering the phone  - on video - out of a sound sleep and God knows what THAT can look like. I made a comment to him a while ago apologizing for my messed up self and he said, "We might as well get used to it! You'll be waking up next to me, won't ye?" OH I love this man. I just love him.

As much as I would rather focus completely on counting days and planning what to pack, I still have college work on my plate. It's getting harder and harder to keep my mind on it -- I'm glad there are only nine more days of my current class. However, I have two new classes beginning next week, both of which don't finish until June 25th, AFTER I arrive in Ireland. I'm crossing my fingers that the instructors will allow me to finish my work before I leave. I'd rather not have to haul books with me. I am so looking forward to having the summer off of school -- I studied straight through last year. I had considered studying (online) while I'm staying with Aidan, but quickly decided I wanted the freedom to enjoy every second and not have to stress about my work.

And so it goes. Days are passing by, filled with schoolwork, running kids, making packing notes, and delicious Skype calls with Aidan. One of the last things he shares with me every night before we get off the phone, is that the three children and I are prayed for. Those words are precious to me. I love Aidan's heart, and the fact that he puts God first in his life. I am beyond thankful that he cherishes not only me, but also my three children, none of which he's ever been in the same room with yet, enough to continually pray for all of us. Aidan is such a blessing in our lives. I look forward to being able to go to God together in prayer, hand in hand.

Soon, my love. Soon.

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