Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Playing House

22 Days and 11 Hours until our plane takes off for Ireland .... <3

At this point, I spend more time during the day and into the night staring at countdown apps that I have set for the time that we will be flying over the sea. It's amazing that I can find the ability to focus on anything else. The bad thing is, I had big plans for cleaning out my basement, a giant yard sale, mega diet/workout, and a perfected packing plan. These days I barely have the energy for half of that!  I am working hard in my two classes yet finding myself drifting off into daydreams. My suitcase is sitting at the end of my bed, begging to be packed. And my Pinterest is jam packed full of packing tips and breathtaking Irish scenery, oh -- and sheep. Lots of sheep.

This past weekend was mostly devoted to my daughter's 10th birthday and an annual historical event I play music for every year. Last week I painted for 12 hours straight as a side job for spending money, and I'm headed back there sometime tomorrow to finish up. Peppered in between are delicious Skype calls with my Irish honey, and although it's getting closer by the minute that we are going to finally be reunited, I am missing him even more than ever before. Even our Words with Friends games are getting steamy with little private messages sent back and forth after playing words.   While many Skype calls are full of us sharing the details of our day or passing along the goings on of our families, some calls just find us staring at each other, verbalizing our longing to be together and telling each other how hopelessly devoted we are to our togetherness and our shared future. It's heart wrenching to be apart but simply delicious to know that on at this moment a month from now, we will be sound asleep under the same roof!

Speaking of roofs: After some discussion with his sister and daddy, Aidan announced to me that they have managed to find a way for us to have our own place to stay right next door to his parents' house! The original plan was that Jillian and I would be staying with Aidan at his parents', but in order to give them, and us, some privacy, we are now able to use the empty house next door while I'm there. It's just so sweet to hear Aidan talking about he and his sister cleaning and preparing this house for our arrival. I can't imagine all of this! I keep telling Aidan that I didn't mean to make so much work for them with our visit, but he always shushes me and says they're all happy we're coming and so excited to get things ready for us. He's asking what snacks Jillian likes and what she likes to drink so he can have it all ready for her. He's so thoughtful and it's precious to hear him planning ahead for us and wanting everything to be just so.

I can't fathom that after being apart for so long, not only are we going to finally be together again, but we are going to have our own little space to share, too. (My sweet mom is worried that now I REALLY won't want to leave, we even have a house to live in already! lol) Sweet Aidan now messages me when he gets back from work to say, "Honey I'm Home! I can't wait to be able to say those words in person to you!" It melts me. He is such a sweet guy. Did I mention how much in love I am??

I know once I arrive and I'm finally with Aidan, I will no longer want to know what day it is or what time it is or see any countdown clock for any reason. I'm afraid that our seven weeks will fly by. I just want to savor every moment. The fun times, the quiet times, sightseeing, the sheep, meeting Aidan's wonderful family and friends, and just sitting there, doing absolutely nothing. Just breathing the same air as my true love. I miss him madly.

Only 22 more days ... or, as we used to say as kids, 22 more 'sleeps' until we go to the airport! And then ... finally ...
48 amazing days with Aidan. <3 And .... the beginning of our forever. <3

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