Thursday, June 12, 2014

Remembering to Breathe

Five more days. Just five more days!! 

I can't believe it. I hear myself saying it, I talk with Aidan about it, I watch the countdown clock on our blog and on my iPhone....But I can't believe it's finally just around the corner that I will be in the arms of Aidan once again. Today Aidan told me someone had asked him if he remembered when we were saying, "Just 65 more days!" We are SO excited about being able to be together next week!!! Five more days.

SO ... I have begun to pack! The other night I opened my suitcase and began to pull out all the clothes I planned on taking ... I am using the 'roll method' to pack and it's amazing how much you can fit in a suitcase that way. Problem is, you can fit a lot in a suitcase that way. Which means I'm tempted to take far more than I really need (again) and then I'm lugging a really heavy bag around. What's worse is that if my bag is over 50 lbs, I will be charged a crazy amount of money at the airport -- which I refuse to face. The other problem is, I realized that my suitcase is heavy --- EMPTY. That's NOT good. I may just have to suck it up and buy another one. I'm definitely going to repack over the next couple of days, seriously considering what I can get by with instead of what more can I shove into every nook and cranny of that suitcase. (And even more funny? My wellies aren't even in it yet!)

Today I bought a few things at the grocery. I decided to pick up tortillas, taco seasoning mix, and a handful of spices I'm afraid may not be available there (can you say, ground cumin?) I will cook Mexican for Aidan's family. My friends aren't too sure they will have a taste for it, it is truly very different than Irish cuisine -- but it's something we have all the time here, so why not share it? I also picked up 15 boxes of my favorite vitamin infused fruit water powder. I know, I know. That's a lot. They're little tiny powder packets that I add to my bottled water everyday and they have B vitamins which help my energy levels. Dumped out of the boxes, they all fit into a gallon ziplock bag and will lay flat in my suitcase between clothes. No worries! Creature comforts.

All the things I kept saying I'd do before I fly to see Aidan have come crashing into a procrastination/too busy with college work pile at my feet. Really hoped to have lost more poundage before the flight, but not so lucky. (Lost some, just not enough as planned.) Still haven't had the giant yard sale (might happen this coming weekend.) Never finished cleaning out the basement. Or the bathroom linen closet. Or painted my bedroom or living room or side door. All I can think of is being with Aidan. None of it seems important anymore. All that matters is getting everything ready to go and getting my little girl and myself on that flight to the Emerald Isle!

Two looming events that stood between us and leaving were two straight days of field trips for Jillian, and the last day of school. I'm pleased to announce those are all completed! When I picked her up from school today -- my very proud now-fifth grader -- I really felt myself let out a huge sigh of relief. Now it's just five days of prep time and we're off!

Didn't quite help matters that I landed in the doctor's office with a diagnosis of hypertension, though. I've been really healthy all my life (thank God) -- so when I was told my blood pressure was too high, I thought something had to be broken with the cuff. Sure enough -- after monitoring it at home for a week, it was high and that was worrisome. And it set off my anxiety, which I haven't dealt with in years. So, the doctor put me on a new med. And I ended up with spots in front of my eyes at random times and hefty bouts of head rush. REALLY??? Like I freaking need THIS before I'm about to fly to Ireland for seven weeks!! In fact, I was sitting in the back of Rosa Park's city bus on display at the Henry Ford Museum and I could barely see a thing. And I had to hold it together as a chaperone to two little girls. What a time it's been! Soooo back to the doctor again, and another med, and so far things seem to be MUCH better. Thank God. It's "all go" now, as Aidan would say.

I am constantly just astounded at what Aidan and his sister are doing to prepare 'our house' before Jillian and I arrive. I am just so humbled and touched by their hard work and dedication to providing us with a warm and welcoming home. They've already even been grocery shopping --- and thought of everything right down to new toothbrushes!!! I swear, I hold back tears half the time when Aidan shares this stuff. No one has ever done these things for me before. Ever. I'm usually the one handling everything for everyone else. I almost don't know how to handle it. He has such a precious heart, and I can't wait to be close to him again -- and to be able to finally spend time with his wonderful sister!!! I love her already. What a joy, this Bannon clan. What a joy!

And Jillian already has her own room there ... with a new duvet and everything! She is tickled pink. She told me today that she didn't want to wait five more days -- she is ready to go NOW. Her suitcase has been sitting in her room right in the middle of the floor for two weeks. This weekend we will start filling it, too.

Aidan was speaking about beginning our life together next week ... living together for the seven weeks in the beautiful country of Ireland, and then returning to the States together and starting here together as well. My heart was beating out of my chest, hearing him say those words. I know I've said it before, but so many times I feel like I'm imagining all of these things. And then this wonderful man voices it all to me once again and I realize that it's all for real. I'm so in love with him, I could burst!

Aidan had a chimney sweep over to our house this week, and he speaks of sitting in front of the fire and relaxing together ... or sitting out on the patio at night when Jillian is asleep, just being close and talking together. Or cuddling up and watching TV together... all of it is heaven and I can't wait to walk off that plane and into his arms. This dream is finally happening ... Just five more days <3

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