Sunday, June 29, 2014

Am I Dreaming?

Standing in Dublin airport, staring at Aidan and his sister, I could not feel the floor under my feet. I was so thrilled and totally in shock, really, that all this was happening. It didn't matter that this trip had been planned for months, and that Aidan I had talked about it every single day for weeks -- now that we were together, I needed someone to pinch me. 

Right away, Aidan took over pushing our buggy full of luggage, sweet guy that he is. We happily chatted, all of us, and I instantly felt a connection to his sister. It was as if I'd known her all along. Jillian was such a joy to watch, as well. There was hardly any hesitation on her part -- she happily chatted along with Aidan and Fionnuala, and was visibly happy to be here. As a mother, I think anyone would have a concern about this situation: Little girl out of her country for the first time, a long flight, lots of walking, landing in another culture over 3000 miles from everything she'd ever known (except for me) -- on top of that, meeting the man she knows her mom wants to spend her life with. She could have reacted a hundred different ways. But my daughter has my adventurous side, and she is learning to take risks and learning that there is a beautiful world outside of her comfort zone. I am so proud of the way she's handling this adventure! And to see Aidan look at her, and immediately care for her, looking out for her and loving her -- that is a priceless gift to me, and to my daughter. More precious than Aidan will ever be able to understand. 

We walked out of Dublin airport and to the parking lot. My head was spinning! I was trying to notice everything around me -- and I was so thankful for fresh air! My gosh -- I was so tired of being so hot after power walking through three airports. And the air I was breathing was IRELAND. (I have been here for ten days already and I STILL can't fathom this reality.) We found Fionnuala's car and I prayed all of our stuff would fit in it! I told her I'd happily walk next to the car if I had to -- we had a good chuckle about that. But before long, we managed to get everything in. And Jillian was in seventh heaven -- SHE got to ride in the front seat! In America, there are laws against children riding in the front; they have to be 12 years old and/or a certain weight. In Ireland, no such law. She was so excited!! Plus, they drive on the other side of the road and the driver is on the other side of the car -- it really felt funny, as if we were inside a mirror. I have admit, though -- during that first car ride, I wasn't paying half as much attention to the new driving experience as I was to Aidan. My goodness, how I'd missed him. I was just so thankful to be able to see him again after so many months!

Fionnuala drove out of Dublin as Jillian and I tried to take it all in -- the sights, the buildings, the green, being on the other side of the road. My mind bounced from being amazed at our surroundings, to being very aware at the awesomeness of holding Aidan's hand and being able to lean over and kiss him every time I wanted to. While I always knew we'd be together again -- the separation seemed to go on forever and I was so longing to be near him again. Finally finally finally, we were in the same car. 

Jillian was taking more in than just the car ride and sights out the window: She became instantly enthralled with Fionnuala. What a fun girl she is!! We were in stitches laughing at her comments and conversations! I watched Jillian drink up everything Fionnuala poured out -- I don't see my daughter like that very often -- she was literally falling in love with Aidan's sweet sister before our eyes -- and Fionnuala was just adorable and loving to Jillian. We hadn't even been in this country for an hour and already my heart was overflowing with emotion, so thankful for Aidan and his sister, and this amazing opportunity to have them in our lives. 

Aidan, knowing me so well, offered that we stop for coffee. We had already crossed over into Northern Ireland by this time, and his sister pulled into a place called The Five Ways Filling Station in Newry, and in we went. Aidan got me a caramel latte, and himself a coffee, while Jillian was already off with Fionnuala in the adjoining convenience store. He and I found ourselves adding sugar to our coffees, which cracked me up. It's one thing that I love my coffee sweet, but it was added bliss to see my Irish sweetheart the same way. I told him it was no wonder we were so in love with each other -- so much in common! 
From there, we ended up at McDonald's. Yes, you read that right. Little Miss Jillian asked to go there, and even though I told her no way, we didn't come all this way to go to McDONALD'S for heaven's sake, Auntie Fionnuala was already spoiling this new little girl rotten and drove straight there! It was so sweet of her to do so. I have to admit, though, it was humorously interesting even for me to experience McDonald's, the Irish version. Ronald McDonald has a completely different face. And they serve onion rings! I was too wired with adrenaline to even think about eating yet, but the rest of them had

The drive to Leitrim where Aidan's from and where we're staying was absolutely stunning. The hilly, curvy roads and gorgeous green fields, famous stone fences and the Mourne Mountains in the distance completely took my breath away. And sheep! Seeing sheep on the hills just made my heart leap. These visions have only been dreams of mine and now it was all coming true. Priceless. Speechless. Just speechless. 

It was a surreal moment when the car pulled into the row of houses that I had seen a dozen times on Google Earth. It was like a screenshot came to life right in front of me. I am thankful for technology for many reasons -- and all these months it's kept Aidan and I from losing it all together --between Skype and Facebook and even Google Earth -- being able to stay in touch everyday has been a Godsend. But now, seeing it in person -- I was floored. And kind of in a happy state of shock. (Sometimes I think I still am!) We got out of the car and once again I found myself literally inhaling the fresh, Irish, country air. We went in to meet Aidan's parents and his lovely Aunt Ann. What a joy they all were, and so warm, loving, and welcoming to Jillian and I!! I had already been fighting back tears just seeing the countryside -- but seeing Aidan's sweet family was doing me in as well. I had been so thrilled at the prospect of meeting them and getting to know them all better. So many people take it for granted that they can spend time with family and the family of those they love any time they choose -- for us, this is a huge gift. Being able to travel 3000 miles to another country and another culture to share the land of Aidan's birth and his family meant the world to me. Not long after, Aidan took my hand and said, "Come with me. I want to show you something." 

Through the house and out the door he led me, into the garden. And there right before my eyes stood the two lambs I'd only seen on video over the miles!! OH what precious little faces looking up at me!! It was so amazing to reach out and pet these little guys!! Hear them bleating and seeing them dance about. I am thankful that Aidan accepts my crazy passions and that he embraces me for who I am. I know I gush over silly things but I can't help it --- all of these little joys are amazing to me! I just love these little lambs. 

Aidan and Fionnuala had worked tirelessly preparing the house next door to his parents for us to stay in while we were here in Ireland for seven weeks, and they happily welcomed us in and gave us the tour. Unreal. I had never had anyone do this for me -- to prepare a house the way they had completely blew me away. They'd thought of everything: They outfitted the kitchen, had candles on the mantel above the fireplace, made beautiful beds for us, and even had new toothbrushes in the bathroom. I know I keep repeating myself, but I was just stunned at all they'd done for Jillian and I. They thought of everything we'd need to be able to walk in, unpack, and call this place home. I am just not used to anyone being so instantly generous and loving. I'd always heard about the Irish generosity and hospitality but until you experience it, words will never be enough. I can tell you with utmost certainty that there are no people on this planet like the Irish, and no land like this one. God must smile when He sees this part of His creation. I know I am constantly smiling. 

As if all of this wasn't enough to blow me completely away, there was more right around the corner -- well, right down the road. Aidan's brother Cierán and his wife Sheenagh had put on a gigantic barbecue. I don't know when I have ever seen so much food! Jillian was just thrilled to be able to play with so many kids, too! It was so lovely. I was so happy to meet more of Aidan's family and to be welcomed by all of them! Lord knows I'm still having trouble trying to remember all of their names and faces -- but what a warm and happy bunch!! Sheenagh's parents came and many of her siblings and their kids -- my gosh what an amazing family. She herself is a twin, and there is another set of twins in her family as well -- all in all eight children. And Ciarán and Sheenagh, of course, have the twin boys, nearly three years old, Padraig and James! I have fallen completely in love with them -- they are hysterical, little red heads who rarely slow down! They love to play with Jillian, too -- it's so funny to watch them all together! Aidan's other brother, Declan, and his wife Clare were also there, and their two year old, Fionn, such a gorgeous little boy. I had only seen them on Skype -- and finally now, everyone I got to meet in person! What a blessing this gathering was to us. What a blessing. I still remember sitting there, taking it all in, thinking to myself how amazing it would be to have these sweet people around in my life all the time. I can't fathom it! I already love them like my own family. 

After quite awhile, I was beginning to feel the effects of very little sleep. We headed to our new little home to unwind after a VERY exciting day. Jillian immediately was at home here -- she was not going to have to get used to anything -- this was just her place to be and she loved it. She loves the room they made for her so much. We got her settled in and Aidan and I finally found our first few minutes all alone together in the living room. We were able to sit back and really take it in, that were FINALLY together. It was HEAVEN to stare into this gorgeous blue eyes, feel his hands cup my face and then his long, sweet kiss again, after WAY too long. Aidan then told me he'd be back, and off he went next door to his parents. I sat here, just feeling the happiness that had overtaken me. 

Aidan came back in, and handed me a little black box. I think I forgot to breathe in that moment. I opened the box and there before me was a stunning, diamond, Claddagh ring. He asked me to try it on. I wanted to be sure to put it on the correct way, because Claddagh rings signify whether a girl is available or spoken for. I was shaking so heavily as I slipped this gorgeous ring on my finger, tears stinging my eyes. What a precious heart my sweet Aidan has. I just couldn't believe we were sharing this moment -- truly this was a dream. We fell into such an embrace, sharing our true love for one another and just being ever so thankful for what we had in each other and for this amazing reunion. The word "happiness" isn't even enough for us. We are just overflowing with gratitude and appreciation for all of this. 

For the rest of my life, seeing this ring on my hand will take me immediately back to this dream, every second of it, and will remind me how precious time is and to be thankful for every moment Aidan and I get to share together. So in love are we. <3