Saturday, March 29, 2014

Always Daydreaming

As I mentioned before, Aidan has been back home in Ireland since December. It hit us today, over video chat, that we are now at the end of March -- we are already almost done with 1/4 of the year. That's crazy. The last couple of weeks I have been lamenting over how slow time seems to go, wondering how I'll make it until mid June when I finally will be reunited with Aidan. Today, though,  I realized time is going by, and before I know it, I'll be packing. I just can't wait. 

It's funny. The first couple of months, every other conversation would find Aidan and I daydreaming about our weekend together back in November, how amazing it was to be together and how quickly the time flew by. These days, we are focused on June and how electric it will feel to finally be together once again. We stare at each other over video and talk about the airport in Dublin, how crazy excited we'll be to see each other again after so long. I have even stared at photos of Dublin airport, just to be able to visualize being there and seeing my sweet love. 

I love that Aidan is a dreamer. He talks about our upcoming time together in Ireland and things we'll share. He calls me just to tell me about the dream he'd had the night before, recalling in great detail conversations we had or where we were in the dream. I love every second of it. I am so thankful that we share all the bits and pieces of our days with each other ... He asks about the kids and I ask about his daddy's sheep. We share coffee and tea over video chat (my one or two cups of coffee to his 5 or 7 or 9 cups of tea, that is!) Last weekend, Aidan went to Mayo and to Kilkenny .... and I printed a map of Ireland so I could figure out where he was going. I'm always picking his brain about one thing or another, and he hasn't tired of it (yet). ;-) 

One of my German cousins read on Facebook that I'll be spending time in Ireland with Aidan, and we got to chatting online about it. She was here in the States back when I was 18, and we haven't seen each other since. She was thrilled that I would be so close to Germany again, and immediately decided that she would try to find a way to come see me while I was there. She lived for a few years in England, and proceeded to tell me stories about her run-ins with sheep. I was laughing so hard at her stories that I had tears running down my face! She had been driving late one night on her way home, in the country, in the dark and fog, when she came upon a couple hundred sheep blocking the road. She was all alone. She ended up out of her car trying to get the sheep to move -- and the way she explained it, they aren't so cute and funny when you have to push them out of the way by the moonlight! OH that just cracked me up. I'm sure it wasn't funny for her at the time, but it sure was hilarious to hear her retell it. Speaking of laughing, she asked if I had seen Mrs. Brown's Boys, the Irish TV show. I had not. Well, Heike (my cousin) sent me a clip via YouTube. OH MY GOODNESS did THAT ever strike me funny. First, I was cracking up. Then I shared it with my mom and we watched several clips, both of us ROARING. How funny that I learn about an Irish TV show from my cousin in Germany?!  I can't wait to see her again, it's been SO long. She's going to fly into Dublin in July for a weekend! And bless Aidan's sweet heart, he was so welcoming to the idea of her coming over right from the moment I told him she was thinking about it. She now calls him her "maybe future cousin" ;-)
My daughter, Jillian, has her ups and downs about the idea of spending the summer in Ireland -- I know she's not quite sure what to expect, and of course she's anxious to spend time with Aidan finally, too.  I can't say she's traveled much in her nine years -- She's been to a few different states. She really has no idea how special a trip like this is for her. I periodically show her video clips of places in Ireland or photos, just to give her an idea of what she'll see. Yesterday we watched a video about the haunted castles of Ireland. Not sure that was such a good idea. She was engrossed in the legends and tales during the video, and swore she wasn't getting scared. But part way through, she asked why the commentator was IN one of the haunted castles. I told her it was just a video, just stories. She stared at the screen and said, "I don't think I'll go see castles with you and Aidan. Find me a babysitter." Another part of the video talked about leprechauns and fairies. We have talked about fairy hunting and fairy forts, and Jillian and I have been excited and looking forward to seeing them (whether they truly exist or not.) Well, this video happened to mention that fairies, when disturbed, can be mean, and they have been known to take children and replace them with changelings! Jillian did NOT like the sound of that. She looked at me and said, in shock, "MOTH-ER! You want ME to go to fairy forts?? To get TAKEN???" OH GOOD GRIEF. I hope she forgets about this video by June!! Jillian has also heard that Aidan has cousins that are around her age group, so she's looking forward to meeting up with them to play. I just feel so blessed that Aidan's family and friends are so happy to hear that we are coming over to visit, and that they are looking forward to meeting us. It means so much to me. I really can't wait to meet them. 

But over and above all of it -- I'm dying to be in Aidan's arms again. I don't think I'll ever want to let him go after all this time apart. (Even if I have to smoosh him in my suitcase for the flight home in August!!) 

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