Tuesday, August 26, 2014

One More Day

Well, we will have survived three weeks come tomorrow, since Aidan and I parted in Dublin airport and Jillian and I flew back home, after spending seven glorious weeks together on Irish shores. And, come tomorrow, Aidan and I will reunite again, this time in Detroit Metro airport. "Parting is such sweet sorrow," as Shakespeare wrote in Romeo and Juliet. "Reuniting is sweet joy," quoth I.

Each time Aidan and I have been together, whether for a few days or several weeks, there has always been a date or time looming in front of us like a silent, ticking clock -- a cloud on the horizon reminding us that we must part yet again. This time, though, there will be no such ticking clock. This time, we will be able to go hand in hand into the future together. That realization repeats over and over in my mind, I'm trying to let it sink in. I think it's going to take awhile before it really does. I sure like the sound of it, though!

Oh, the big plans I had to get things "just right" around here before Aidan's arrival. A week ago, I came down with a horrific cold that completely slowed me down. Well, it got worse -- yesterday I was diagnosed with pneumonia. Pneumonia!! Seriously!!?? Who has time for THAT? Surely not THIS girl! Thank God for strong meds. I'm finally beginning to feel better, even though I didn't sleep well last night and I was up before the sun -- but here I am, only one day between now and when Aidan arrives here in Michigan -- and a long list of what I DIDN'T get accomplished. Of course in the giant scheme of things, nothing matters except finally being together again, but dang it! There was so much to do. I will try to squeeze in as much as possible today, finishing cleaning around the house, grocery
shopping, school supply shopping for the kids -- they start a week from today -- Ugh. So much to do. But pneumonia will only allow me to have so much energy and I can only push myself so far before I make myself more sick, so yeah, yeah, baby steps.

There are so many things I can't wait to share with Aidan. While I cannot say that my hometown is my favorite place on earth, we do have beautiful lakes and rivers and interesting little restaurants and some fun music festivals coming up soon. Quiet drives up the lake to little villages with quaint downtowns and relaxing walks along the shoreline ... Places I've gone to find inspiration or rejuvenation or just time to think and breathe when I needed to get away, all places I look forward to sharing with my love. I can't wait to see him joking with my dad, sharing his many interesting stories with my mom, watching the little ones light up at his antics. Kids are drawn to Aidan. He is a big ball of fun. Who am I kidding. I am drawn to Aidan. There is just something magnetic about him.

While I don't want to even begin to think about the cold winter months here in Michigan quite yet, (after all, Fall is my all-time favorite time of year and I can't wait to share that coziness with my fiancé--) I can't imagine how Aidan will take to it. Of course he's been in bitter cold before, he's spent time in Maine and New York in the winter, some years ago. But in recent years, Michigan winters have gotten brutal. Ireland has cold and damp winters, but not below zero temps, crazy ice and mounds of snow. Aidan is not a fan of the cold. We will need to find Aidan some toasty sweaters and warm, insulated boots! But seriously -- I'm even daydreaming about playing in the freshly fallen snow with him and recovering under a shared blanket with hot cocoa back inside the house. Even the most dreariest of days sound delicious when spent together.

But dreary is not a way to describe tomorrow. Tomorrow is another little slice of heaven. Finishing up a few last minute things around the house and then I'll be off like a rocket (well, within acceptable speed limits) to the airport to wait for Aidan's plane to land. I can't wait!!!

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