Saturday, August 23, 2014

Another Countdown

Three days and twenty-one hours till Aidan lands in Detroit .... 

The last two and a half weeks since I came home are a blur. It's gone from sadness and longing to be back with Aidan in Ireland and missing his family, to dreaming about our little wedding, to walking around my house with a new perspective: Aidan is going to be here. In just a few days, I will be jumping in my car to go pick him up at the airport. I can't even believe it when I see the words here on the screen.

We've spent time together in North Carolina last year, where he'd been living before he went home to Ireland. We've now spent the summer together in Ireland with friends and family. But we've never spent time together in Michigan, except over Skype. It seems kind of funny to me now, to say that. Especially since he's not only coming to Michigan, but he's about to call this home. I walk around my house and try to picture him here, sharing morning coffee and talks like we did in Ireland. I imagine the way we're going to juggle the TV time with the kids. I look at the pieces of furniture from Ikea and chuckle, because I can only imagine how much he's going to love them (not). I want him to feel at home here. I hope he finds it easy to do, like I did when I got to Ireland. I look forward to being able to call this "our house" instead of "my house." I love the idea of sharing all of life with Aidan.

Oh this house. There are so many things that aren't finished here. This house has been an ongoing project since we moved in three years ago. The floors need to be either refinished or carpeted. I had begun a total redecorating project last year but haven't quite finished all the repainting yet -- as my schooling takes up so much of my time during the year. My kitchen is sort of a clash of eras and though it functions, it's far from what it should be. Don't ask me about the bathroom floor and why half of the tile is torn off down to the subfloor. I've warned Aidan about all of this, worried about it being annoying, but he hasn't flinched. Such a good sport he is. So understanding about so much all the time. I love the heart of that man.

And then there is the worry about Aidan saying goodbye to his family in Ireland. I cannot begin to imagine how hard that is going to be in the coming few days. They've had him for nine months after being without him for so long, and now they are going to be watching him leave again. I made promises to his family that I intend to keep, in that we will be back and soon, and we will always have a backup emergency travel fund for God forbid, an emergency need there. I love them as my own family and I cannot wait to see them all again. I hope they know how much I care about them and how bad I feel about the distance that lies between this country and that one. How I wish we could all be closer.

I am over the moon about the idea of planning a little wedding here in the Fall, and while I instinctively expect everyone around me to be just as excited, I easily forget that no one here has spent time with Aidan, except over Skype! This is all so new to them, they haven't been along for the ride, so to speak, with Aidan and I. I can't wait to be able to introduce Aidan to everyone and be able to finally spend time together with Aidan and my family and friends, like we did with his family and friends this summer in Ireland. Our life together is such a journey.

And here I am, only a few days from Aidan's arrival, and I've come down with the nastiest cold ever. I have lists of things I wanted to do before he gets here, little things to finish and spruce up, shopping to do, just stuff ... and here I am, sick as a dog, not sleeping well at night and barely keeping my head up during the day. I pray this all goes away before he gets here!!

Oh well. All that matters is that Aidan will be home with me very soon. I am missing him something awful, feeling as if I'm missing half of myself. As much as I'd like to bring a welcoming party with me to the airport, I just can't do it. I want him all to myself for just a little while. I can't wait to see him walk through the door in baggage claim and be able to be close to him once more. Feels like an eternity since we were last together. The house may not be perfect, all my preparations may not get completed, but I'm ready. I just can't wait!!

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