Friday, November 28, 2014

A Year to Remember

One year ago at this very moment, I was behind the wheel of my van, somewhere in Southeastern Ohio, already having been awake for 16 hours and counting, on Black Friday. I was headed for Charlotte, NC to surprise a certain Irishman who had captured my heart over Skype and made me weak in the knees with every text message. The music was blaring, I was shaking with excitement, and I had to keep reminding myself that within hours, we would finally be together in the same room. Several hours and coffees later, I had arrived in the driveway, with the sun just coming up, pumpkin bread on the seat beside me, and a phone in my hand, calling to wake Aidan to announce the "postman calling for delivery." Moments later, we fell into each other's arms and kissed as if time had just stopped for us.

And just now, I was hanging a shirt in Aidan's closet, and I caught myself whispering, "We are married. We are really married..." I am serious -- there are moments I just have to pinch myself, this is such a dream come true to be married to this wonderful, amazing, and loving man. I have never felt so blessed.

I LOVE life with Aidan in it. He brings pure joy to me each and every day. We share everything, we talk about everything, we speak the same things at the same time, even. I absolutely love mornings -- though I've never been a "morning person," -- Aidan and I share coffee in bed, chatting, planning the say, just being "us." We pray together, which is truly amazing and I am forever thankful for that. Our relationship is exactly where it should be, with God at the head of it. When I am worried about something, Aidan is my rock. He keeps me grounded and reminds me of our faith and our togetherness. There is nothing in life I will ever have to face alone, anymore. Aidan understands togetherness and commitment like no other man I've ever known. He is my right arm, partner, team mate, the yin to my yang, the icing on my cupcake, the cream in my coffee. I don't know that there has ever been a happier wife.

Or a prouder husband.

From the day we were married, there have been moments I have glanced at Aidan, or he has called my name and I turn to look at him, and there he is, with his left hand up, showing off his wedding band. He makes me feel appreciated at every turn. It is the sweetest thing to see such a happy husband.

Not only is it barely sinking in that this wonderful man is really my husband, I am still practicing my new name every chance I get: Rochelle Bannon. Rochelle Bannon. Mrs. Bannon. I think I'm dreaming. I really do.

One year ago, we knew we had something unique between us. We both felt it, this connection we have. I knew how much I wanted to be with Aidan and when he had to go home to Ireland, my heart ached horribly from missing him so much. But in those moments, our first few days together in NC, or during those tearful Skype goodbyes from across the Atlantic, I don't think either one of us knew that THIS November, we'd find ourselves together and married and sharing this journey as one. I remember sitting on New Year's Eve, all alone in the dark, with only the lights of the Christmas tree, just missing Aidan so much, and the phone ringing at exactly that moment. Aidan had called to ring in the New Year with me - Irish time. And now, this coming New Year, we will be together, ringing in the new year -- OUR new year -- together. We are so very thankful for all of this.

What a year. Sometimes just thinking about all that's happened almost makes my head spin. Just a couple weeks ago, Jillian had asked for the 100th time to get some photos printed of our trip to Ireland so she could take them to school. Poor kid. I took well over 3000 photos, and when I discovered it was going to cost hundreds of dollars to print them all, I didn't print any -- just figured I'd get around to sifting through them all "someday" after the wedding dust had settled. I finally went through and ordered about 100 photos, and we put them in an album. Her face just lit up as she began to chat about our memories in Ireland. As did mine. What a wonderful seven weeks we spent there with Aidan and his family. And I miss them horribly.

It was almost as painful leaving Aidan's family as it was leaving him. They really had become family to us when we were there, and now I just burst with happiness knowing they are "officially" family. I adore them, and I can't wait to return to spend more time with them. Thank God for Skype, because we are able to 'see' them every week or so. I hope they will come visit us here, as well. Every other phone call, they want to know when we are coming 'over home.' Not soon enough, my sweet, new family, not soon enough.

We find ourselves in the Christmas season now, and just the other day, Aidan hauled up our Christmas tree before leaving for work. Jillian and I decorated it together. I was so happy to place our new, special ornaments on our tree. Our friend Jill in NY had sent us an Irish Cottage ornament that reads "2014" and "Bannon" on it. Aidan's family presented me with several very special Irish gifts on the morning I had to leave, one of which was a precious Claddagh ornament. Aidan and I purchased a few ornaments while on our honeymoon in Frankenmuth, Michigan, too -- an Irish flag, a glass ball that reads, "Our first Christmas as Mr and Mrs Bannon - 2014," an Irish marriage blessing ornament, and another Claddagh. I just love that we are able to be together this holiday season, after being over 3000 miles apart last year.

I just love that we are together.

On our honeymoon, in Frankenmuth, MI

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