Thursday, September 17, 2015

Where Does the Time Go?

I truly had no idea that I hadn't written since BEFORE we left for Ireland over Spring Break! Yikes. I guess we have a  LOT of catching up to do! Just suffice it to say, I've been CRAZY BUSY these last few months!

Our trip over home was amazing. We flew out of Toronto again into Dublin, but this time we rented a car. That in itself is a story. But before that, I have to admit, wearing my red wellies on a 6.5 hour flight overseas was not the most comfortable idea. I was sitting between Aidan and PJ, and in economy, that isn't very much room. One would think that I was new to flying by the dumb decision I made to wear boots on a plane -- planes are rarely the perfect temperature, either you're chilly, or you're roasting. Figures that this time, I was roasting. I'm not sure how many hours it was into our flight that I felt claustrophobic and needed to get my usually-well-loved-but-on-a-long-flight-not-so-much red wellies OFF, of course it wasn't the easiest thing to do sandwiched between two men, with extra pillows shoved at our feet and one of my carryon bags. Still, with PJ's help, it actually worked and I began to feel a ton better with just my socks on. (Didn't occur to me at that moment that I was going to have just as difficult or worse a time getting those suckers back ON when we landed, but I was in better shape for the moment.)

I was so thrilled to have PJ along, as he's never left the country except for over the bridge to Canada from our hometown. I was so excited to have him meet Aidan's family, too, and see the beauty of the country and the culture. He doesn't express excitement, really, and I was biting my tongue every five minutes to stop myself from asking how he was and if he was excited, blah blah blah. (Poor kid has a silly mother.)

We arrived in Dublin and had to make the long trek through the airport to customs, and it became a little strange at one point because PJ and I had to go one way (Non-EU) and Aidan the other (EU/UK.) But we got through without a hitch. Made it to baggage, found our luggage, and headed to find the rental car counter in the airport. Figures something had to slow us down, though, right? Turns out the insurance I'd purchased online for the rental car doesn't apply in Ireland. In fact, pretty much no out-of-country applies in Ireland. That made no sense to me whatsoever, because Ireland has safe driving, (other than driving on the other side of the road!) And of course, we arrived on a Sunday, so I couldn't get through to the insurance company for information or a refund. We'd gotten a great deal on the rental, but as it turned out, we had to pay a trillion dollars (ok, not that much, but a lot) for insurance through the rental car company. Ugh. It's always something, isn't it? The bright side of the story is that when we took the shuttle to the rental car lot, we were upgraded (for free) to a powder blue BMW, which made Aidan about jump over the moon with happiness.

Aidan opted to drive up to County Down, good thing too, because I wasn't mentally ready to be driving on the other side of the road from the driver's seat on the other side of the car. But I sat in the passenger seat. That was fine until we got off the highway and ended up on those teeny tiny narrow Irish curvy roads that are often lined with stone fences or bushes. Yikes - I felt every ten minutes as if we were going to crash into one of those gorgeous fences! (I was quite happy to let PJ ride in the passenger seat much of the time after that during our trip!) Oh -- and I did drive at some point around the small countryside, and so did PJ, just to say we'd done it. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be, well, except when there's a huge tractor or lorry coming at you and the road is only wide enough for one vehicle ... that is a little nerve wrecking!

It was heaven pulling up and seeing the family again, although Aidan's daddy wasn't home when we arrived. I was so thrilled to see Aidan's sister that I couldn't stop crying once I got to hug her! I miss that family more than I can put into words. Aidan's mammy jumped up out of her seat and headed to the door to meet us too, something she hadn't been doing very often at all due to her health. When Aidan's daddy arrived home, I literally ran out the door to meet him in the carpark. More tears. Every time someone showed up, I started getting teary all over again!

OH and of course Aidan's daddy kept lambs out back, and I was so excited to see them! They were in the garden of the house we stay in this time, because there was more grass back there. It was hilarious to see the twins and little Fionn in the garden helping their Granda feed the lambs -- those boys may all be teeny but they can catch a lamb pretty easily when they want to!

And coming back into the little house we stayed in last summer was just like a warm homecoming. I know that house isn't ours, but it felt so good to return to it. PJ quickly made himself at home, and he took to the family just like I knew he would. They love him and accept him as one of their own, just like they did me. It's amazing.

We only had ten days, and we knew that would fly. Even in ten days, there were a million wonderful things we did, but forgive me for not discussing them all here -- it's take me a month of Sundays to write it all! PJ got to see the local landmarks, Aidan's old primary school, the gorgeous views of Windy Gap, and hear the crashing waves of the Irish Sea. We had a wonderful family photo session done while we were home, and now we get to treasure all the photos, some of which are hanging in our house to remind us of the beautiful day that it was. Of course we took the train to Dublin with Fionnuala and Geraldine, and had a hilarious time of it!! Those two are such a riot when we're all together, cracks me up! I always think we should send the city of Dublin a warning before we come down, because we literally take it by a storm of laughter!

The family gave us a wonderful "just married" gathering, too, complete with a sing along as all good Irish parties have. There were more people and more food in Ciaran and Sheenagh's house than ever! It was just a delight! PJ ended up going out on the town with cousin Charlene and her boyfriend James -- which was cool that PJ got to hang with kids his own age.

OH there's just too many amazing moments from that trip. I'll have to get out photos and post them here soon.

Our flight home included a stopover in Germany, which worked out really well because my exchange student brother, David, lives there, and we hadn't seen him in ages (he'd never met Aidan or my kids!) After we got the car returned and back to the airport, made it through customs, got something to eat ... we were still really early. We were told three different times which gate to go to, so we ended up just going straight there to hang out until boarding.

Strangely, our flight was delayed. No mind, we just stayed up. After awhile, we asked one of the gate attendants, and she told us just to wait, that we'd be notified when boarding commenced. In the meantime, David was texting me getting nervous, because on his end, the flight showed that it was already boarding. After an hour, we were finally told to board. We got to the front of the line, and when we handed over our boarding passes, a very angry German Lufthansa attendant snapped at us that our plane had already left! We stood there SHOCKED. She said the gate had changed, and that we MISSED THE FLIGHT! We were shooed out of the way and just felt completely lost. I was fuming. We had been told three different times to be at this gate. Three of us sat there the entire time and heard NO announcement. We showed our ticket to a gate attendant earlier that said to stay put, the plane was delayed. And now we'd missed the flight????? Nightmare.

We had to walk all the way back to customs, make it through that, which was a little hairy since we were having to stay (at least temporarily) in Dublin, but luckily once the customs agent realized my husband is Irish, he just let us through and stopped probing with questions. Of course, our luck, there is no Lufthansa ticket counter in Dublin airport. The airport customer service lady wasn't nice either -- she said we were paged by name three times before the flight left. The three of us looked at each other in confusion. NONE of us heard any names paged except for another man who we watched go to the counter near where we were sitting. This whole thing was so stressful!

I ended up spending a good two hours on the phone trying to get through to Lufthansa what had happened. In the meantime, Fionnuala was finding us a local hotel to stay in in Dublin. Finally, I ended up with a helpful Lufthansa rep who rebooked us on a straight flight home the next day, --and get this -- not only were the new flights free, but we ended up a refund of some of the taxes! No clue how that happened because usually when you miss a flight, you end up paying through the nose for a new one. Hand of God, I guess!! So, it looked like the three of us were stuck in Dublin for another night.

Darn. I mean, really. Of all horrible things to happen, we get stuck in Dublin, Ireland with extra time to roam around.

The really bad thing was though that we had to cancel our plans to meet David in Germany. I felt SO bad about that. He'd really made plans for us, bought us a ton of chocolate and gifts, etc, and here we couldn't come at all. Poor guy. Thankfully now it's ended up something to joke about, me missing flights, but at the time, I felt so guilty that we couldn't make it.

Our hotel was fine, and we had just a bus ride into city center. We found a wonderful place to eat, and completely pigged out. Walked the city into the night, enjoying all the shops and the city lights, and watching people. Found great live music in Temple Bar at Gogarty's (we'd been there last summer, too) and had a really enjoyable, relaxing, last night in Dublin.

The next morning, we took the shuttle to the airport and met a hilarious bus driver whose wife is from Co. Offaly. He had so many jokes about his mother-in-law that I about peed my pants laughing. Gotta love the Irish. They keep you in stitches!!!!

So, PJ loved Ireland. He not only loved Ireland, but he felt more at home there than he does here. And, guess who wants to move there? yup, PJ. We found out that he can move there and go to tech school to learn a trade, and get PAID for it. The schooling is free, and the student gets a weekly stipend plus gas money to get there. We are not working on getting back on our feet to save up to go back.

We'd planned on going in August for the christening of new baby Donal, but our lives took a different turn.  We'd had cousin John over from Ireland for three weeks, and roamed around Michigan and Chicago, watching him stock up on his favorite American goodies (don't know how he managed to haul all that stash home!) and after that, Aidan got hired to work at a drug and alcohol residential rehab, something he's always wanted to do. Well, in order to work, he had to clear a medical exam. Poor guy didn't pass because of a hernia that needed immediate surgery. That hernia ended up being way bigger than the doctor anticipated, and truly 4-6 weeks off from work was barely enough. No trip home to Ireland for us, at least not yet anyway. As it went, because the recovery was so long, the rehab chose to terminate his employment because they needed to fill the position, which was SO disappointing for Aidan. As it ended up, I added a job to my already existing work at a senior residential facility where I was a contingent activities assistant and fill-in receptionist, and took on a full time nanny position with a wonderful family in our area. For the several weeks that Aidan was off of work, I was managing to work all three jobs, and somehow managed to finish college, too (in fact, just yesterday, I turned in my final project in my last class, and all but have my Bachelor of Science in Psychology in my hand!) Aidan found a new, full time job in a manufacturing company not far from here, and I ended up resigning from the senior facility and just keeping my nanny job. Finally, things are starting to get back to normal, with the kids back to school and both of us working. I'm still not in the hang of not having schoolwork every night and weekend, though -- it's going to take some time to sink in!

And so, in a nutshell, that is what we've been up to. Basically, crazy busy, but hoping to slowly get the craziness to settle and get back into a routine and normal life. Hoping madly to get back to Ireland before the year is out, but we have to save up and such before that can happen. Baby Donal's christening did happen, but because Aidan couldn't be there to stand as Godfather, his daddy stood in his place as proxy, and from the photos, everything turned out beautifully! We are so thrilled to have another wee redheaded Bannon boy in the family!!

As time frees up, I'll post some photos from our trip over home in April. And it hopefully won't be a hundred years till I write again! After all, we are now coming up on our one year wedding anniversary! Last year this time, we were in the final countdown. How exciting!!! I LOVE  that the Fall holds so many special memories for us. <3

Monday, March 30, 2015

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Jig

So I realize it's been forever again since I last wrote, but life is busy and school takes up much of my thinking/writing time. But I do have a little bit of news to share. First of all, our house is now home to TWO Irishmen. TWO. Do you know what that's like? Double the stories, double the craic, double the tea, and double the laughs. What a riot! Aidan's friend Jim, who he shared a house with down in NC, who originally comes from Drogheda, Ireland, has moved up to Michigan and is just getting settled in around here. It was so great to see those two together again, they are such great friends. And besides, I just have to admit, I love to hear them banter back and forth, they are just so funny.

If that wasn't enough new news, I'm happy to report that in a few days' time, we will be on a plane headed to Dublin, this time with our oldest son in tow! The other two kids are going to Florida with their dad for Spring Break, so we managed to find a way to spend ten days in Ireland. And we are on Cloud Nine.

While we still have plans to go back sometime in late summer for the christening of the newest little Bannon baby, Aidan's mommy isn't in the best health, and it's been more up and down lately, so we knew we had to find a way to get back, if only for a short time. It's just important to get back whenever we can swing it.

And on top of the importance of spending time with family, there are baby lambs. Aidan's daddy told me there are two little ones waiting on me to get there right in the backyard again! OH I can't wait to run out back and cuddle those little black lambs. Who am I kidding?! I can't wait to see everyone and hug everyone and spend time with them all again! And to breathe the fresh Irish air and squint through happy tears at the rolling green hills. Those two little redhead twin nephews are growing like weeds, and little Fionn is now talking up a storm. Funny that it's only been since August, but so much has changed with those three little guys!

Aidan and I are so excited to be flying together there ... and then be flying together back. It's a first for us! Finally no teary goodbyes and unknown reunion times. Don't get me wrong, I already can't stand thinking about having to say goodbye to the family again, and I'm trying not to think about how fast ten days go by -- but Lord, are we ever so thankful for this chance to get back there.

I'm THRILLED to have PJ going with us, too. Other than over the bridge from here to Canada, he's never been out of the country. It's been fun getting ready for this trip: Getting his passport photos taken and the passport ordered, and getting it back in the mail ... trying to talk him into trying tea here before he gets over home and offered it at every visit (so far, I haven't won this battle, he's not into tea, he says!) On top of all that, it occurred to me that he and I haven't spent any length of time together alone since his siblings came along, so he and I together without the other two for ten days will be some much-needed, one-on-one time. And oh my goodness, is he ever going to LOVE Aidan's family. I can only imagine the laughs (and the craic) we'll all have! I know he's going to get sick of me taking eighty million photos of him all over Ireland but oh well, I'm the mom. ;-)

OH I just can't wait to get over there.

This time I'm going to hopefully get a few moments to get Aidan's daddy to tell me some stories. I want to hear more about when he was young and growing up ... and what he remembers about how the country was back then. I love to hear him tell stories. Rumor has it, he's seen the little folk, too. Fairies. And he's not the kind of person that makes stuff up. Aidan knows I'm going to want to pick his daddy's brain about those times, and he's prepared to put the kettle on and just walk away and leave us be to chat.

Another thing, I never got to ride in his daddy's tractor last time, nor did I get to drive on the wrong side of the road, both of which WILL happen, this trip. We are renting a car in Dublin. If and when I get behind the wheel, I will have someone record it on video because I can only imagine how crazy it's going to look with me trying to drive and keep my sanity at the same time!

And there are plenty more lambs and sheep to visit up the road.  I'm hoping Aidan's daddy can point out the two sheep that were young and in the backyard last summer, out of the herd. And the McMullan farm has lots more lambs and calves and piggies, now too. My wellies are going to get a workout!

We are going to be doing another fun-filled-fan-tabulous day in Dublin with sister Fionnuala and cousin Geraldine, too -- what a riot we had last summer and now with PJ, it's going to be even more hilarious because I doubt we'll all be able to stop laughing for very long! We're also thinking of trying to make it down to Galway this trip, but we'll see. It's just a part of Ireland I've always wanted to see -- but ten days goes fast, and we want as much time with the family, too, as we can get. There's just so much to do and see and so many wonderful friends and family to catch up with!!!

Did I mention, I can't WAIT to get over there? I'm getting goosebumps just thinking of it! Only "five more sleeps" till we leave next Saturday. And rest assured, there will lots of photos and updates about our visit over home coming up soon!

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Time Flies When You're Having Fun

I had no idea that it had been so long since I blogged. I just finally sat down to see where I'd left off, completely forgetting that I hadn't even posted about Christmas! Wow. Where DOES the time go?

The Christmas season was crazy busy, as it always is. But it was great fun being able to share it with Aidan. I have a man who doesn't get nauseous just thinking about shopping. He actually enjoys going shopping with me. That in itself is a miracle, especially in the chaotic season of Christmas. The worst thing was, my school didn't get out until around the 19th, so I felt like everything was really last minute.

The other thing was we had no snow. It was the strangest December we've had in a long time -- and Aidan and I could only laugh about it. When I was in Ireland, it nearly never rained. EVERYONE knows it rains all the time in Ireland, in fact, looking at the statistics, last March it rained 24/30 days in Dublin. But I spent seven weeks there and it rains three times. Or spits from the clouds for a few minutes. NOTHING like the Irish rain everyone talks about. And when Aidan moved to Michigan, you can bet everyone had something snide to say about the weather. "Oh you're going to be so cold." "Do you KNOW the kinds of winters they get in Michigan??" "What are you going to DO in the winter, Aidan??" and so it went. But December rolls around, and it was like Spring or Fall most days. In fact, Santa brought Jillian an awesome new bike and she was out riding it on Christmas Day around the neighborhood.

Speaking of gifts, Aidan and I really surprised each other with our Christmas exchange. I ordered Aidan a gorgeous Irish Aran wool sweater from over home.

Guess what Aidan gave me for Christmas?

A gorgeous Irish Aran wool sweater from over home.

And no, we didn't plan that! That is the epitome of our relationship. We just think on the same plane. Scary and fun all at the same time! :-)

It was really difficult to be away from his family over the holidays, though. Thank God for Skype, we sure do a lot of that to stay in touch. We meant to have packages all mailed in time for Christmas but so much went on in December that we are only just now finishing up the shopping and shipping and it's FEBRUARY! We did get exciting news over the holidays, though -- There is a new little bundle of joy coming! Aidan's youngest brother and his wife are expecting a new little Bannon! We just can't wait to see the baby!!

We talk about going back over home all the time. I wish it was closer. I wish we
could just jump in the car and drive a couple hours and be in Ireland. I know how silly that sounds, but there is a big chunk of my heart that I left over there and it's so hard to be away. Aidan is doing really well getting adjusted here, a new home, a new life, married life, three kids, a crazy dog ... You'd think by looking at Aidan that he's been here all along. But for me, I feel like I just got this big, wonderful, loving extended family and no matter how outstretched my arms are, I can't reach them! I just miss them all so much, it hurts. Don't get me wrong, we have a wonderful, loving family here, too ... it's just that I wish we were ALL together.

We keep hinting to my parents that they WILL be coming with us sometime this summer to go back over to Ireland. They've never been off of this continent and it's high time. Plus, I want them to meet Aidan's family and friends, too. I know they'll just love it over there. I joke with my mom that she probably won't want to come back home, either.

AND ... Aidan's cousin John is coming to stay with us this summer for a few weeks! He's never been to the States! So that will be great fun showing him around and getting him acclimated. Especially to this crazy house. Dog, bird, rat, three kids ... hehehehe. He doesn't know what he's got coming!!

But aside from the holiday craziness and trying to plan the summer, we have just been truly enjoying each other every single day. There are moments when we still want to pinch ourselves to feel that this is real. That we are together in one zip code, and married. OH gosh. When we received our wedding photos in the mail, my cousin Ashley, who was our photographer, had put together a photo collage to music of many of our photos. We sat down and watched that together for the first time and it was STUNNING. We both kept noticing how happy we looked on our wedding day. It's true, we are really just SO happy and there is no hiding it. I watched that video several times and I kept remembering how much of a dream it seemed to feel like. I wish I could go back and relive it again. Or just have another wedding now and then. I would marry Aidan 100 more times if I could. That was truly one of the most wonderful days of my life and I will cherish it forever.

The other thing I am really enjoying is seeing Aidan with the children. He loves them like they were his own, and it just shows. He is so good with them. He is always interested in their day, getting to know their friends, listening to them rant about something or just chat about nothing. He's hilarious, too. This is going to sound really nutty, but I have spent a good portion of parenting time trying to teach the kids not to cuss. Then, they get handed an Irish stepdad who has quite colorful language. In the beginning I think the boys didn't know how to take it, they'd hear him and glance at me, and truthfully, it doesn't even phase me because it's, well, Irish. (Sounds like a double standard, but Americans swearing still irritates me at times, especially the F word. The Irish, who find a way to use the F word as an appropriate adjective in every other sentence? It's different. It's, well, Irish!) And so the boys just think this whole dynamic is hysterical, and so do their friends. Now don't get me wrong, Aidan does not sound just go around cussing like a sailor, especially around me. (Well, unless he's losing at Trivia Crack on his iPhone, but that's a whole different thing.) I'm not doing a very good job of describing any of this. Just know that it's all part of Aidan's Irish charm. ;-)

Everyday is enjoyable. That's not to say we have our calendars brimming with plans by any means. He works nights most of the time and I have a ton of work for school, and some how we have to catch up on sleep, which really messes with our daylight hours. But we value every moment together. Just the little things. Coffee time. Running with the kids. Heading over to see my parents. We sneak in a date here and there too because we know how important it is to get out together, and we love those times. We just remain so thankful for each other and for everything this journey is bringing us.

By the way, that warmish weather of December didn't last. Aidan is getting his share of blistering cold days and a good few feet of snow, with lots more headed our way this weekend. I'm thinking it's a premonition that the next time we are in Ireland, I'm in for a good amount of rain, too. But you know what? That's ok with me. I have my trusty wellies to keep my feet dry and happy in rainy Ireland, and my cuddly Irishman to snuggle up to in the blustery Winter winds of Michigan.

Life is GOOD.

Friday, November 28, 2014

A Year to Remember

One year ago at this very moment, I was behind the wheel of my van, somewhere in Southeastern Ohio, already having been awake for 16 hours and counting, on Black Friday. I was headed for Charlotte, NC to surprise a certain Irishman who had captured my heart over Skype and made me weak in the knees with every text message. The music was blaring, I was shaking with excitement, and I had to keep reminding myself that within hours, we would finally be together in the same room. Several hours and coffees later, I had arrived in the driveway, with the sun just coming up, pumpkin bread on the seat beside me, and a phone in my hand, calling to wake Aidan to announce the "postman calling for delivery." Moments later, we fell into each other's arms and kissed as if time had just stopped for us.

And just now, I was hanging a shirt in Aidan's closet, and I caught myself whispering, "We are married. We are really married..." I am serious -- there are moments I just have to pinch myself, this is such a dream come true to be married to this wonderful, amazing, and loving man. I have never felt so blessed.

I LOVE life with Aidan in it. He brings pure joy to me each and every day. We share everything, we talk about everything, we speak the same things at the same time, even. I absolutely love mornings -- though I've never been a "morning person," -- Aidan and I share coffee in bed, chatting, planning the say, just being "us." We pray together, which is truly amazing and I am forever thankful for that. Our relationship is exactly where it should be, with God at the head of it. When I am worried about something, Aidan is my rock. He keeps me grounded and reminds me of our faith and our togetherness. There is nothing in life I will ever have to face alone, anymore. Aidan understands togetherness and commitment like no other man I've ever known. He is my right arm, partner, team mate, the yin to my yang, the icing on my cupcake, the cream in my coffee. I don't know that there has ever been a happier wife.

Or a prouder husband.

From the day we were married, there have been moments I have glanced at Aidan, or he has called my name and I turn to look at him, and there he is, with his left hand up, showing off his wedding band. He makes me feel appreciated at every turn. It is the sweetest thing to see such a happy husband.

Not only is it barely sinking in that this wonderful man is really my husband, I am still practicing my new name every chance I get: Rochelle Bannon. Rochelle Bannon. Mrs. Bannon. I think I'm dreaming. I really do.

One year ago, we knew we had something unique between us. We both felt it, this connection we have. I knew how much I wanted to be with Aidan and when he had to go home to Ireland, my heart ached horribly from missing him so much. But in those moments, our first few days together in NC, or during those tearful Skype goodbyes from across the Atlantic, I don't think either one of us knew that THIS November, we'd find ourselves together and married and sharing this journey as one. I remember sitting on New Year's Eve, all alone in the dark, with only the lights of the Christmas tree, just missing Aidan so much, and the phone ringing at exactly that moment. Aidan had called to ring in the New Year with me - Irish time. And now, this coming New Year, we will be together, ringing in the new year -- OUR new year -- together. We are so very thankful for all of this.

What a year. Sometimes just thinking about all that's happened almost makes my head spin. Just a couple weeks ago, Jillian had asked for the 100th time to get some photos printed of our trip to Ireland so she could take them to school. Poor kid. I took well over 3000 photos, and when I discovered it was going to cost hundreds of dollars to print them all, I didn't print any -- just figured I'd get around to sifting through them all "someday" after the wedding dust had settled. I finally went through and ordered about 100 photos, and we put them in an album. Her face just lit up as she began to chat about our memories in Ireland. As did mine. What a wonderful seven weeks we spent there with Aidan and his family. And I miss them horribly.

It was almost as painful leaving Aidan's family as it was leaving him. They really had become family to us when we were there, and now I just burst with happiness knowing they are "officially" family. I adore them, and I can't wait to return to spend more time with them. Thank God for Skype, because we are able to 'see' them every week or so. I hope they will come visit us here, as well. Every other phone call, they want to know when we are coming 'over home.' Not soon enough, my sweet, new family, not soon enough.

We find ourselves in the Christmas season now, and just the other day, Aidan hauled up our Christmas tree before leaving for work. Jillian and I decorated it together. I was so happy to place our new, special ornaments on our tree. Our friend Jill in NY had sent us an Irish Cottage ornament that reads "2014" and "Bannon" on it. Aidan's family presented me with several very special Irish gifts on the morning I had to leave, one of which was a precious Claddagh ornament. Aidan and I purchased a few ornaments while on our honeymoon in Frankenmuth, Michigan, too -- an Irish flag, a glass ball that reads, "Our first Christmas as Mr and Mrs Bannon - 2014," an Irish marriage blessing ornament, and another Claddagh. I just love that we are able to be together this holiday season, after being over 3000 miles apart last year.

I just love that we are together.

On our honeymoon, in Frankenmuth, MI

Sunday, November 2, 2014

The Hitchin'

Just a few short months ago, I was laying on our bed in Ireland, with hot tears streaming down my face and onto my pillow. That day, it had hit me that Aidan and I had no idea when we'd be reunited again after I left Ireland. We had spent (and survived) seven months apart while I was in Michigan and he'd gone back home to Ireland to be with his mammy who had been very ill. We spent seven amazing weeks together in Ireland with his family and my daughter. But we were about to be separated again, and with no plan on hand as to when he'd be coming back to the States, my heart was  aching.

But miracles happen.

Our loving friends pulled together and managed to raise money for Aidan's flight back to Michigan. Within three weeks from my return, I was headed back to the airport to bring my fiancé home with me for good. Our hearts will be forever grateful to each and every one of our friends and family that believed in us enough to help bring Aidan home to me.

And now, here I sit, the late October rain falling outside our window, the clock beside me on the wall ticking softly, and the light from the lamp hits the wedding ring on my left hand. Each time I look down and see that ring, I get butterflies. The journey that this life has taken us on in the last year has been nothing short of a fairytale. There are days when I think I must just be dreaming.

The last two months have been a whirlwind, and we have enjoyed every single second of it. My parents quickly fell in love with Aidan and he with them. The boys have found their place with him too, and what a joy it is to see how it all just fell into place without a hiccup. And planning our wedding was an absolute BLAST.

My matron of honor, who we lovingly continue to call "MOH," is freaking amazing. We've been friends since we were in sixth grade (a few years, let's leave it at that) and in our friendship, she's always been the organized one. I knew she would be brilliant at keeping me on track during our wedding prep, but I had NO idea that she would turn a cozy, loving wedding into one awesome, unique, and totally "us" event!! I merely sent her a text with my ideas or a photo from Pinterest and within hours or days, she'd surprise me with a hand painted sign or a computer generated map of the reception hall with the tables and vignettes all laid out! I gave her the colors and Fall theme ideas I wanted to work with and she had vintage styled bouquets intricately created. Our zippy shopping trips in and out of Hobby Lobby and dollar stores, where we trekked miles across the lower thumb of Michigan to find the dozens of leaf garlands we needed for our plans, were absolutely hysterical. I don't know how many Reese's Peanut Butter Cups or cappuccinos we've inhaled in the last eight weeks but I will tell you, I think we walked them all off around dollar stores! She was -- and is -- such a blessing to Aidan and I. And speaking of that, she has become the sister-in-law to Aidan. MOH has always been more of a sister to me than a friend, even through our teenage drama years and the times in our lives when we were so busy having babies and running households that we barely saw each other. And now we've bonded even more through this wedding. Seeing the sister/brother relationship grow between Aidan and Kris has made me so happy. My own siblings have sadly completely disconnected from me during one of the happiest times of my life, and while that has been heartbreaking and hurtful on its own, we have been so blessed by Kris and her family to be the "sibling/in-law" family to Aidan, and they immediately welcomed him in with open arms, just as his family has done to me and to our kids. Kris' daughters pitched right in, helping with lots of details for the wedding, painting, and crafting for us. What a delight to have them offer to help, too. Not to mention, Kris' dad gathered corn stalks for our ceremony venue and offered all the sticks and acorns we could ever want from their property, and her mom cooked for my shower and made lovely items for our kitchen!

Aidan's closest Irish buddy down in North Carolina had work obligations and couldn't make it as best man for Aidan. When my brother refused to be included, we called my German brother, David -- who I hadn't spoken to in ages. David had lived with us for a year way back in 1992 as an exchange student. When I called him, I told him we were getting married, and he was of course happy for me. Then I told him we'd love for him to be the best man in our wedding. Here he hadn't been back here since 1994 -- I hadn't seen him since 2001 in Germany -- but do you know what he did for his American sister? He booked a flight! We were overjoyed that David was coming to be with us in such an important part of our lives. I couldn't WAIT to pick him up at the airport on the Thursday before the wedding. He truly is such a special brother to me.

And if that wasn't shocking enough, my cousin in Austria, Katrin, and her boyfriend Andy, booked flights to come to our wedding too! Katrin hadn't been here in 30 years since the time we first met! We were just blown away at the gathering our wedding was becoming.  Austrian, Irish, German and American .. All together to celebrate love. What a blessing!

Speaking of blessings, when friends heard about our little cozy wedding we were planning, they shared their wonderful talents with us. Our ceremony would be complete with harp, dulcimer, and guitar by my sweet music friends, Cindy, Paul, and Jeff. Cindy sent me a few recordings to choose from for the song I would walk up the aisle to. When I heard Whittingham Green Lane for the first time, I got tears. I knew immediately that that was the song for us. It meant so much more to us to have special friends to be a part of our wedding celebration. And years ago, when I was volunteering for Youth for Understanding International Exchange with foreign exchange students, I had become very close to some other local volunteers, Billie and Bonnie and their families. And even though I'd not spent time with them in ages, they jumped in and became a huge part of our wedding too! Billie and Bonnie had become very accustomed to cooking for large groups of people, and they loved the idea I had for a different kind of reception -- instead of a full dinner buffet, I wanted to offer Fall soups and breads. Not only that, but Billie shared her grandmother's hand crocheted tablecloths for some of the tables, and they made Irish print aprons to wear during the reception. Bonnie designed and made our Irish wedding cake, complete with a crystal bell on the top, and she created my veil, which matched my vintage style dress perfectly. They also shared lots of ideas for the reception planning, as well. And early on in the planning, it was so enjoyable to get together and spend time after being apart for so long. Bonnie's husband, Tim, and Aidan, hit it right off. We were like a long lost reunited family all over again! Another good friend of mine, Robb, my do-it-all friend/handyman/plumber/fellow high school graduate/pseudo house husband (ha), came to our house with over 50 pumpkins for our wedding decor. We had more than enough pumpkins to line our ceremony aisle, create a path for guests to the ceremony, and for Fall vignettes throughout the reception. My niece, April, such a beautiful bridesmaid, and her two sons, Caden and Gavin, were also a part of the wedding. April cooked up a storm for my bridal shower, and her little boys were so much fun to find clothing ideas for for the wedding! All of the guys had plaid or check shirts with vintage sweater vests and newsboys caps, so naturally the little boys had to fit in. We decided suspenders would be perfect over their check shirts. And last minute, I found a "ring security" set on Etsy -- Gavin and Caden would wear dark security glasses and carry a black briefcase-looking box that said RING SECURITY across the front; our rings would be safely kept inside until that moment in the ceremony. My mom, who self-proclaimed she was "not a wedding person," and that wedding planning scared her, was such a trooper to bounce ideas off of. I love so much that I have had the chance to plan a wedding with my mom and dad. They are so special to me, and having the memories of helping Mom choose her dress for the wedding and having my dad walk me down the aisle will always be SO special to me. So much of our wedding will always remind us of each of our special friends and family that helped us continue our journey and fulfill our dreams.

All along during the planning, we had happy phone calls and Facetime visits with Aidan's family back home in Ireland. While they were not able to make the trip for the wedding, they remained a huge, special part of it as much as possible. We are going to have a blessing ceremony and reception there next year with Aidan's family and friends in Ireland. But it was really important to us that they were able to see our wedding in some capacity even though they couldn't be here. Guess what? We figured out a way to live stream it on the internet! Aidan's sister-in-law, Sheenagh, planned to host a huge get-together for the family to come watch our wedding, with all of them wearing their fascinator wedding hats and the men wearing their newsboy caps like Aidan and the guys in our wedding.

During the eight weeks before the wedding, we attended a wonderful marriage night each week at our friend, Pastor Scott's church. Scott and I went to school together all those years ago, and when Aidan and I decided to plan the wedding, I knew in my heart that Scott should officiate. It would mean so much more to me to have such a close, old friend marry us. We, along with several other couples, watched a DVD series called, "Laugh Your Way to a Better Marriage" by Mark Gunger. OH what a wonderful series. I would highly recommend it to other couples, married or not. And the discussions we had following each part were insightful, as well. It has been a time of growing closer together for Aidan and I, as we look ahead to our lives blending into one. We also grew close to Scott, and I hope even now that the wedding is over, that we will be able to spend more time with him in the future.

In the weeks before the wedding, we were receiving messages from all over the country and the world. Cards from overseas and from the other side of the country, voicemails from old friends and happy texts from so many people. We even received gifts and cards from sweet online friends that we had never even physically met. My bridal shower was amazing and I was so touched to see friends and family gather and so humbled by the thoughtful gifts and well-wishes. Bonnie even came to give me a gorgeous quilt she'd made for Aidan and I that was created "in honor of the Irish American Love Story."  Each day was truly filled with wonder and happiness!

When the week of the wedding arrived, I did begin to get a little frantic. Kris was amazing at keeping me calm and Bonnie was keeping me updated with all of the baking and cooking planning, too, so I was very comfortable knowing everything was being taken care of beautifully. We had run into only one minor heart attack: Our rings still had not arrived from Dublin.

It's no secret that we had to plan the wedding with a very tight budget. We ended up ordering the rings fairly late in the game, when we had the money to do so. But at the time we ordered them, we paid for rush service and had the confirmation that they'd arrive in time. We had chosen matching silver bands that are embedded with the words, Mo Anum Cara, which is Gaelic for My Soul Mate. The rings also have a Claddagh symbol between each of the words. Unfortunately, there had been a miscommunication somewhere along the line, because when I emailed a week before the wedding wondering if they had been shipped, one of the jewelers told me that they had had to be handmade, and they weren't finished yet, he wasn't aware that our wedding was coming up so fast. But he promised they'd be shipping overnight FedEx on the Wednesday before the wedding -- he was so funny. I asked him if he realized we were all the way over in America, and he told me that he did -- and that FedEx is super fast from Ireland, unless they have to deliver to a remote part of Alaska. That was a laugh I really needed that week! When Thursday came around and we had not been notified of shipping, we panicked. Aidan called the jeweler in Dublin, and ended up with the owner on the phone, who had not heard that the rings had shipped, and not only that, he sounded as if he thought we had taken way too large a risk by ordering them only three weeks prior. He promised to look into it further and that he'd call us back. After he hung up, I was just steaming. What were we going to do without rings?? Aidan, God love him, stayed calm and faithful like always, telling me it would be fine. A few moments later, the phone rang, and it was the jeweler again, who apologized profusely -- he had discovered that our rings HAD shipped -- and that they would indeed arrive THAT DAY. Within an hour of that phone call, the FedEx man came to the door and I about hugged him. Sure enough, our rings made it! Aidan called up Dublin again just to thank them and let them know the rings made it. The jeweler insisted I open the package with him on the phone so he had confirmation that we were pleased. OH they were even more gorgeous than we had imagined them to be!

From that point on, everything went on like clockwork. We picked David up from the airport, that was such an awesome reunion! Katrin and Andy were in the States and enjoying Chicago and surrounding areas, keeping in touch by phone, and would be coming in on Friday. Friday we headed out early to the hall, with two minivan loads stuffed full of wedding and Fall decor. Kris, April, and I had a blast decorating for the reception. It was finally beginning to hit me that this was all really happening.

Saturday morning, Kris and Carlie picked up Jillian and I early, and we headed off to the hall. Aidan stayed with the boys to get ready. We wouldn't see each other until the ceremony. Kris and I had to get the outside set up for the ceremony, her hubby was there too -- and thankfully, Bonnie and Billie arrived at the hall too, and Tim was there as well to help set up chairs. My parents brought fresh cider donuts to be served with cider after the ceremony. They had gotten up early and driven out to one of the best orchards in the area to get the donuts. Kris and I finished up the few loose ends of the decor for the reception. My cousin, Ashley, our wedding photographer, arrived and was already snapping photos. Before I knew it, it was time to hide away in our makeshift dressing room/conference room to get ready. Kris' daughter Aly was doing hair for her, Jillian, and Carlie, while I ironed my Titanic era styled dress. An old sweet family friend, Margaret, slipped in with my mom to say hello, and offered gold Claddagh earrings for me to wear as my "something borrowed." I was melted. They matched my necklace perfectly -- Kris had given me a gold Claddagh necklace that had five birthstones adorning it -- symbolizing the birthdays of myself, Aidan, and the three kids. At every step toward our wedding, I was amazed at the blessings, how smoothly it all proceeded, how precious our family and friends were toward us, just all of it. I was so full of butterflies during the last hour before the ceremony that I could barely breathe. I kept thinking, "Today I get to marry my soul mate, my best friend, and the love of my life. TODAY."

A few moments before the ceremony, Aidan and Pastor Scott came to the dressing room door to pray together. As Aidan and I couldn't see each other yet, I stood behind the door and reached my hand out to find Aidan's. We held hands on either side of the door as Scott prayed with us for our marriage and for our special day. God had smiled upon us. The day couldn't have been more beautiful. The weather was perfect, the sun was out, the colorful leaves glistened.

It was time.

We girls and the little boys made our way outside and waited around the corner for our turn to walk up the aisle. I could hear the beautiful music willowing through the ceremony. One by one, the girls walked up, and then the boys with their "ring security" garb, and then Jillian, who scattered Fall leaves out of her basket onto the aisle. Then,  I held my dad's arm and we walked up the aisle together. It was like something out of a dream. I saw so many faces smiling at us, it just warmed me inside and gave me goosebumps. And then, I saw Aidan.

It was truly all I had to not cry tears of overwhelming happiness. I tried to take it all in, seeing him standing there with David, PJ, Ethan, and the little guys. They all looked amazing in their vintage clothes. The girls were smiling sweetly and holding their bouquets. Jillian was a little angel with a crown braid in her hair. Soon, Dad and I were up at the front and we listened as Pastor Scott prayed and read from scripture. Soon he asked Aidan and I if we promise to take care of and love each other for all of our days, which we promised. Then Scott asked who gives me to Aidan, to which my dad answered, "Her mother and I," followed by a lifting of my veil and a sweet kiss, and from that point on, Aidan and I together took part in our ceremony. We shared communion, prayer, and a wonderful sand ceremony in which each of us, myself, Aidan, PJ, Ethan, and Jillian, took vials of different colored sand, and poured them together into a keepsake vessel, blending our individual colors of sand as a symbol of our newly blended family. It was precious. Then, when it was time to exchange rings, our ring security opened up the vault and handed the ring box to David, who passed the rings to Scott who prayed over them before giving them to us. When Aidan went to place the ring on my finger, it didn't want to go on very well -- just two days before, I had had a dyshidrotic eczema attack on my ring finger of all things, and it was still quite swollen! Pastor Scott shared such a wonderful message about the covenant and commitment of marriage. It was truly beautiful. He even sang Our Father in acapella after Communion. But the moment we so longed for, staring into each other's eyes, making our vows to each other, and being pronounced "man and wife" ... My heart was beating out my chest! I love this man with all of my heart and all of my soul, and I couldn't wait for that first kiss of our marriage. And when Scott told Aidan he could kiss the bride, Aidan kissed me.

And kissed.

And kissed.

And they applauded, and Scott chuckled, and we continued to kiss.

What a wonderful miracle our love is!! We were MARRIED!!!

We happily walked back up the aisle to the tune of "Star of the County Down" (a surprise to Aidan, I hadn't told him about that yet!) and then we together returned to the front to personally greet and dismiss each one of our guests. I'm so glad we did that, because the reception was so busy that it would have been difficult to get the time to talk with all of our friends and family.

But that wasn't the only surprise I had up my vintage Titanic era sleeve.

For weeks, I had been secretly contacting Irish dance studios within a two hour radius of our home trying to get one or several Irish dancers to come into the reception and dance as a surprise to Aidan and our guests. But there was a big competition going on somewhere, because one by one, the replies came back as regrets due to competition. I was desperate. Well, ironically, the weekend before our wedding, we had been invited to an Irish session in the neighborhood where I spent the last half of my childhood, of all places; but it was the same day as my bridal shower, so I was to meet Aidan there late. Before I arrived, there had been a bagpiper but he left before I got to see him. This all hit me just a couple nights before the wedding. I emailed the man that had hosted the session and he got back to me with the piper's number. I then left a long, desperate message on voicemail and prayed the piper would get it in time. Sure enough, the night before the wedding (Aidan was away at work,) the piper called and I pleaded that he come surprise everyone. Turns out our wedding was good timing for him, he'd be just finished with a funeral, already in full kilt/uniform, and on his way to a later party for his mother's birthday. I was a little nervous about being done with the photo shoot after the ceremony in time for his arrival at the reception, but I just figured we'd run with it and hope for the best.

SO. Just as we had completed dismissing our guests from the ceremony, in the distance came the sound of bagpipes. Seriously -- it couldn't have happened at a more perfect time! Aidan's look of surprise was PRICELESS, and my mom almost passed out from excitement -- she LOVES bagpipes. And for me, it was like Christmas. I LOVE surprising people. Kris (the piper) walked through the ceremony area and out onto the grass and continued to play beautiful music as we stood by smiling and enjoying the moment. We were able to get some photos with him and I thanked him over and over for coming right when he did. It really completed the already perfect wedding day!

Afterwards, it was off across the road to the photo shoot, to a little gathering of old buildings surrounded by gorgeous woods, all a part of the same county park we had married in. While riding in Photographer Ashley's car, I stared out the window, held my new husband's hand, and let it all sink in: On this beautiful day, our dreams had come true.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Time is Flying, And That's OK

I can't fathom it's been over three weeks since Aidan arrived here in Michigan. The days go by so fast, and normally we'd be fretting at that realization -- but now that we have no looming date ahead of us when we must once again say goodbye, we're at peace with it. On top of that, our wedding is just over a month away and we are crazy excited about it.

The night Aidan arrived was heaven. It was so good to be with him again, and this time in my home state. I couldn't wait to finally introduce him to my parents and to my boys after all the time over Skype. We drove directly from the airport to my parents' house, and Jillian was there waiting for us as well. My parents met us at the door with big hugs. My mom happily exclaimed that Aidan is taller and even cuter in person than over video chat. My dad was a tad reserved, but not for long. No one can be once they sit down and have some craic with Aidan, Mr. Jovial, himself. Jillian immediately jumped up into Aidan's arms as soon as she saw him. It was a sweet reunion, and it was precious for my parents to witness the bond between them.

We sat gabbing for a bit before heading home to crash. It was late and Aidan was exhausted from such a long day. I was a little nervous about Aidan seeing the house because as I had warned him, it's a work in progress and there is much around here that isn't up to par. But he could care less. He was just happy to finally be here, his new home. Oh that sounds so good even now. The boys were pleasant with him and probably relieved to finally meet him in person. I knew in my heart they'd get along just fine, but I also knew it would be a time of transition for them to get used to this new chapter in all of our lives.

Just as the first time Aidan and I met face to face, so too was this time with him -- immediate comfort. There has never been one second of delay or nervousness with Aidan, even moving him into our house. It was just so good to have him home. It was almost like he'd been here all along, really, as silly as they may sound. In a sense, he had been, in spirit anyway. He fit in perfectly and made himself at home from the start.

The next day was a little chaotic. I had planned a welcome open house for Aidan so he could meet friends and family all at once instead of trying to drag him all over town. My parents and my niece kicked it into high gear making food for us, they were a God-send. I skipped out to pick up a few things and a cake and left Aidan home with the kids. The boys were good to him and didn't eat him alive, so that was a win. The open house was fun with friends and family in and out all afternoon and evening. PJ's friends popped in too and were very happy to meet this Irishman we'd all been talking about. They got along very well, laughing with Aidan over food and cake.

By the time we hit the hay that night, we were wrecked. Aidan was still battling jet lag and I was overtired from all of the excitement. But to this day, we go to bed smiling and wake up smiling and it's just one moment after another that we are completely thankful for. We both truly feel like we've waited for this for so long. And it's ironic, really -- we've been in the same places at the same time and never met. We were in Munich, Germany at the same time. He's been in Port Huron, my hometown -- a few years back, and we never crossed paths. He was in Fond du Lac, WI and I lived over there for a couple of years. I just get this vision of us walking right past each other yet never stopping to say hello ... Because it wasn't the right time for us to meet until we did. I don't think things happen by accident. It was just the right time for us to get together when we did. We had exhausted ourselves wandering around the earth looking for our other half, in and out of bad relationships, living in different places, meeting the wrong people, all of which is part of our journey. We found each other when we were able to be the best mate, the most thankful, the most giving to each other. We met at the perfect time for us.

And now that we found each other, it is the perfect time to make it officially forever. We were thrilled to choose a date in the near future for our wedding. October 25th ... October is a beautiful time of year here in Michigan, my favorite month, and the Fall is when we met last year, so what a wonderful time to say I DO. And what a joy our wedding planning is! We are on a budget, after all it is a very short amount of time to plan a wedding -- but I'm the bargain queen, as is my Matron of Honor (who we lovingly call "MOH".) Nature is deliciously beautiful in the Fall, so decorations are nearly free ... Pumpkins, pine cones, acorns, sticks, and corn stalks. My mind is always going a million miles an hour just bursting with ideas for our ceremony and reception. And just as our story is unique, so is our wedding. No traditional tuxedos and big, poofy white gowns for us. We have chosen vintage flair and a little whimsy. While I'd LOVE to dish about all the details here, I shall refrain so as not to ruin the surprises we have up our sleeves. Just know that we will have a cozy, unique gathering with the gorgeous reds, golds, and oranges of the trees as a backdrop, intertwining Irish traditions with Michigan autumnal beauty and a few winks from yesteryear. I can't wait to experience it all ... but most of all, I can't wait to be Mrs. Aidan Bannon. And I can't wait to see our children in the wedding. Aidan asked the boys to stand with him, and they accepted without hesitation ... And Jillian will be a flower girl. It's a beautiful way to celebrate our new family.

Funny, with all the dreaming and planning, I still have not taken a moment to sit down and write "Mrs. Aidan Bannon," or practice my new signature. Rochelle René Bannon. Such a sweet ring to it! I do believe I will spend a few quiet moments with a pen just now, before Aidan comes home from work. Work -- I'll write more about it next time --- but our local Irish Pub now has a true Irishman in it! Ah but more about that later. I'm off to practice being Mrs. Aidan Bannon .... <3

Sunday, August 31, 2014

Home Sweet (American) Home

The Monday before Aidan was to fly into Michigan, I was officially diagnosed with pneumonia. The timing was ... not so great. While my head congestion was about gone, I was very easily exhausted and up coughing during the nights, so my energy level to get everything just so was dying fast. As for my mile long list of things to finish, I crossed everything out but the bare essentials (bedroom ready, bathroom cleaned, groceries bought, vacuum main floor.) Even though I was sick, I was still flying high emotionally. I COULD NOT believe Aidan was finally coming home to Michigan to me.

Tuesday evening, Aidan's family gathered at his brother Ciarán's house for a "leaving party." I was truly saddened once again at the thought of his family and himself having to say goodbye yet again. I knew their most pressing concern was that he wouldn't come back to Ireland for years again. He continued to promise that we would return far sooner than later. Over Skype I was able to see the twins once more as they told me Uncle Aidan was going to America to see me. So smart for three years old! After the party, Aidan said tearful goodbyes to his parents and to his Aunt Anne, before driving off with his sister to spend the night at her house. She was to drive him to Belfast City Airport early Wednesday morning.

Tuesday night late, (actually Wednesday morning around 1am), Aidan skyped me for the last time from Ireland after he'd woken up at his sister's house. I hadn't gone to bed yet -- I was hoping to hear from him. As sad as we were about his family goodbyes, we could barely sit still when we realized that only in a matter of hours we'd be together in Detroit Metro airport. We chatted for a few minutes before he had to get off and go get ready. I bid him safe travels and we hung up. I turned out the light and tried to close my eyes for a little bit of sleep.

Before I really fell into dreamland, the phone rang again around 2:30am, and this time Aidan was with his sister at the airport, killing time. She was very teary. I wished I could have reached through the phone and given her a big sisterly hug. She told us that next time she made it to the airport, she'd be the one flying. She'd had enough of taking us to airports and leaving in tears after heartfelt goodbyes. I was thrilled at the thought of her coming to visit us here in Michigan! OH that would be such an hysterical blast! We said goodbye once more and hung up. I went online and created a text alert for Aidan's flights, so I'd be notified at delays, takeoffs, and landings. I once again turned off the light and tried to sleep.

Not long after that, the phone rang again, this time it was Fionnuala calling from the car. She had left Aidan and was on her way back. Poor girl sounded devastated. My heart hurt for her. I remember when my own brother left the state to live in Arizona when I was a kid, and he's never been back to live here since. Even separated by only several states, and not the Atlantic, I was devastated at being away from my brother. I could only imagine how she must be feeling now that Aidan was leaving to return to the States. We had a bittersweet conversation, sharing her sadness about the goodbyes, but her happiness in that he and I would be reunited soon, and about our upcoming wedding. She reminded me how fond she and the family had become of Jillian and I, and that we are truly considered family, already. It felt so good to hear that, and to be able to tell her once more how much I loved all of them. Our call was cut short by a bad signal on her end, but we would keep in touch on Facebook throughout Aidan's travels. I miss her everyday.

As soon as I closed my eyes again, the phone rang. Aidan had landed in London Heathrow, but had to complete an internet visa waiver form before boarding. I frantically grabbed my MacBook and went to bat for him. I glanced at the time and it was only minutes before that plane was due to take off for Chicago. We hung up so I could finish up the form, and I sent him a message when it was completed. I heard nothing back. I stared at the clock and checked the flight tracker map online, praying he'd made it on the plane. Talk about tension!!

By the time the sun came up,  I had barely had two hours of sleep and decided to take the morning easy because of being sick. I wasn't planning to leave town for the airport till around 7pm, anyway. It felt good to just lay around and relax, daydreaming about being with Aidan again and continuing to keep an eye on the flight tracker screen, watching his plane moving across the Atlantic, then across Canada, then eventually angling in to land in Chicago.

I slowly got moving, finished up the cleaning, ran a few errands, deep cleaned my car, dropped Jillian off with my parents and went back home to shower and get ready to go. I got a text from the flight tracker that the plane landed in Chicago, and I was DYING to hear from Aidan. His siblings were messaging me off and on all afternoon, hoping that I'd heard something. I was thankful to hear from all of them -- it helped to share the concern and excitement with my new family. After an hour or more since the plane landed, I was pacing. I still hadn't heard anything. I became a bit frantic. Praying, trying to answer all the messages, and telling myself to think positive, like Aidan always does. Customs shouldn't have been an issue, but with any international travel, there is always that odd chance that something could go wrong. By that point, I was driving myself crazy, and opted to jump in the shower. Can you believe it --- as soon as I was full of shampoo under the water, the phone rang. I missed it, but heard the voicemail notification. I finished up quickly and listened -- sure enough it was Aidan from a pay phone!! Right away, he called again. I was THRILLED to hear his voice!! Everything was fine -- customs all went fine, and on top of that, the customs agent knew Port Huron because he almost got stationed here!! Talk about a small world!! OH sweet relief. FINALLY Aidan was about to be on the final flight to Detroit. It's funny how quickly the hours flew that afternoon, with all the tension and excitement! In the end, I actually found I was running a few minutes behind schedule by the time I finally grabbed a coffee and hit the road. The weather was good, the traffic was low, the sunset over Detroit was gorgeous. I was FLYING HIGH with anticipation!!!!

I received a text notification that the plane from Chicago had been delayed by over 25 minutes, but that it did depart. Here I'd thought I was going to be getting there exactly at the same time Aidan would be, but as it turned out, I arrived really early! I parked in short term parking and made my way to the baggage claim area. I think I was walking on clouds! I chatted with my mom for a bit over the phone and sat down in a nearly-empty baggage area to wait. There were only three or four people milling around -- it was like a ghost town! Thankfully, Facebook and our friends and family all over the globe kept me company while I waited. Without them, I'm afraid I would have climbed the walls!!! I was going CRAZY. It really was funny to chat with everyone, and to see that I wasn't the only one anticipating Aidan's arrival!

Finally the time had arrived, and Aidan's plane landed. I was a lunatic by that point. There were two escalators descending into baggage and I had no idea which side he'd be coming from. His brother Declan had asked that I video his arrival, and I was bound and determined to catch it on my iPhone! I waited. And waited. And watched dozens of people claim their luggage, and several sweet reunions. Still no Aidan. OH good grief. I swear I felt six more hairs turn gray!! I flagged down a worker and asked which escalator he'd be due to come down and found out I was on the wrong side of the room all together!! Figures. I made my way over to the right one, and my eyes scanned faces looking for my sweetheart. FINALLY -- I saw him coming down the stairs!!! I began to jump up and down, iPhone and all! Before long, he was coming toward me and we fell into each other's embrace. It was heaven!!!! OH I'd missed him SO MUCH. I know it was only three weeks since we'd left each other in Dublin, but it seemed like eternity! We stopped to take a reunion selfie and I discovered that with all my jumping around, I had deleted the video. OH well. At least we were together at last! We gathered his luggage and headed out together to find the car.

Together.  Finally together -- without a deadline, without a looming date ahead of us when we must once again say goodbye. Now we were on our way in a new chapter of our life together ... On our way home. <3