Monday, March 30, 2015

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity-Jig

So I realize it's been forever again since I last wrote, but life is busy and school takes up much of my thinking/writing time. But I do have a little bit of news to share. First of all, our house is now home to TWO Irishmen. TWO. Do you know what that's like? Double the stories, double the craic, double the tea, and double the laughs. What a riot! Aidan's friend Jim, who he shared a house with down in NC, who originally comes from Drogheda, Ireland, has moved up to Michigan and is just getting settled in around here. It was so great to see those two together again, they are such great friends. And besides, I just have to admit, I love to hear them banter back and forth, they are just so funny.

If that wasn't enough new news, I'm happy to report that in a few days' time, we will be on a plane headed to Dublin, this time with our oldest son in tow! The other two kids are going to Florida with their dad for Spring Break, so we managed to find a way to spend ten days in Ireland. And we are on Cloud Nine.

While we still have plans to go back sometime in late summer for the christening of the newest little Bannon baby, Aidan's mommy isn't in the best health, and it's been more up and down lately, so we knew we had to find a way to get back, if only for a short time. It's just important to get back whenever we can swing it.

And on top of the importance of spending time with family, there are baby lambs. Aidan's daddy told me there are two little ones waiting on me to get there right in the backyard again! OH I can't wait to run out back and cuddle those little black lambs. Who am I kidding?! I can't wait to see everyone and hug everyone and spend time with them all again! And to breathe the fresh Irish air and squint through happy tears at the rolling green hills. Those two little redhead twin nephews are growing like weeds, and little Fionn is now talking up a storm. Funny that it's only been since August, but so much has changed with those three little guys!

Aidan and I are so excited to be flying together there ... and then be flying together back. It's a first for us! Finally no teary goodbyes and unknown reunion times. Don't get me wrong, I already can't stand thinking about having to say goodbye to the family again, and I'm trying not to think about how fast ten days go by -- but Lord, are we ever so thankful for this chance to get back there.

I'm THRILLED to have PJ going with us, too. Other than over the bridge from here to Canada, he's never been out of the country. It's been fun getting ready for this trip: Getting his passport photos taken and the passport ordered, and getting it back in the mail ... trying to talk him into trying tea here before he gets over home and offered it at every visit (so far, I haven't won this battle, he's not into tea, he says!) On top of all that, it occurred to me that he and I haven't spent any length of time together alone since his siblings came along, so he and I together without the other two for ten days will be some much-needed, one-on-one time. And oh my goodness, is he ever going to LOVE Aidan's family. I can only imagine the laughs (and the craic) we'll all have! I know he's going to get sick of me taking eighty million photos of him all over Ireland but oh well, I'm the mom. ;-)

OH I just can't wait to get over there.

This time I'm going to hopefully get a few moments to get Aidan's daddy to tell me some stories. I want to hear more about when he was young and growing up ... and what he remembers about how the country was back then. I love to hear him tell stories. Rumor has it, he's seen the little folk, too. Fairies. And he's not the kind of person that makes stuff up. Aidan knows I'm going to want to pick his daddy's brain about those times, and he's prepared to put the kettle on and just walk away and leave us be to chat.

Another thing, I never got to ride in his daddy's tractor last time, nor did I get to drive on the wrong side of the road, both of which WILL happen, this trip. We are renting a car in Dublin. If and when I get behind the wheel, I will have someone record it on video because I can only imagine how crazy it's going to look with me trying to drive and keep my sanity at the same time!

And there are plenty more lambs and sheep to visit up the road.  I'm hoping Aidan's daddy can point out the two sheep that were young and in the backyard last summer, out of the herd. And the McMullan farm has lots more lambs and calves and piggies, now too. My wellies are going to get a workout!

We are going to be doing another fun-filled-fan-tabulous day in Dublin with sister Fionnuala and cousin Geraldine, too -- what a riot we had last summer and now with PJ, it's going to be even more hilarious because I doubt we'll all be able to stop laughing for very long! We're also thinking of trying to make it down to Galway this trip, but we'll see. It's just a part of Ireland I've always wanted to see -- but ten days goes fast, and we want as much time with the family, too, as we can get. There's just so much to do and see and so many wonderful friends and family to catch up with!!!

Did I mention, I can't WAIT to get over there? I'm getting goosebumps just thinking of it! Only "five more sleeps" till we leave next Saturday. And rest assured, there will lots of photos and updates about our visit over home coming up soon!