Monday, September 22, 2014

Time is Flying, And That's OK

I can't fathom it's been over three weeks since Aidan arrived here in Michigan. The days go by so fast, and normally we'd be fretting at that realization -- but now that we have no looming date ahead of us when we must once again say goodbye, we're at peace with it. On top of that, our wedding is just over a month away and we are crazy excited about it.

The night Aidan arrived was heaven. It was so good to be with him again, and this time in my home state. I couldn't wait to finally introduce him to my parents and to my boys after all the time over Skype. We drove directly from the airport to my parents' house, and Jillian was there waiting for us as well. My parents met us at the door with big hugs. My mom happily exclaimed that Aidan is taller and even cuter in person than over video chat. My dad was a tad reserved, but not for long. No one can be once they sit down and have some craic with Aidan, Mr. Jovial, himself. Jillian immediately jumped up into Aidan's arms as soon as she saw him. It was a sweet reunion, and it was precious for my parents to witness the bond between them.

We sat gabbing for a bit before heading home to crash. It was late and Aidan was exhausted from such a long day. I was a little nervous about Aidan seeing the house because as I had warned him, it's a work in progress and there is much around here that isn't up to par. But he could care less. He was just happy to finally be here, his new home. Oh that sounds so good even now. The boys were pleasant with him and probably relieved to finally meet him in person. I knew in my heart they'd get along just fine, but I also knew it would be a time of transition for them to get used to this new chapter in all of our lives.

Just as the first time Aidan and I met face to face, so too was this time with him -- immediate comfort. There has never been one second of delay or nervousness with Aidan, even moving him into our house. It was just so good to have him home. It was almost like he'd been here all along, really, as silly as they may sound. In a sense, he had been, in spirit anyway. He fit in perfectly and made himself at home from the start.

The next day was a little chaotic. I had planned a welcome open house for Aidan so he could meet friends and family all at once instead of trying to drag him all over town. My parents and my niece kicked it into high gear making food for us, they were a God-send. I skipped out to pick up a few things and a cake and left Aidan home with the kids. The boys were good to him and didn't eat him alive, so that was a win. The open house was fun with friends and family in and out all afternoon and evening. PJ's friends popped in too and were very happy to meet this Irishman we'd all been talking about. They got along very well, laughing with Aidan over food and cake.

By the time we hit the hay that night, we were wrecked. Aidan was still battling jet lag and I was overtired from all of the excitement. But to this day, we go to bed smiling and wake up smiling and it's just one moment after another that we are completely thankful for. We both truly feel like we've waited for this for so long. And it's ironic, really -- we've been in the same places at the same time and never met. We were in Munich, Germany at the same time. He's been in Port Huron, my hometown -- a few years back, and we never crossed paths. He was in Fond du Lac, WI and I lived over there for a couple of years. I just get this vision of us walking right past each other yet never stopping to say hello ... Because it wasn't the right time for us to meet until we did. I don't think things happen by accident. It was just the right time for us to get together when we did. We had exhausted ourselves wandering around the earth looking for our other half, in and out of bad relationships, living in different places, meeting the wrong people, all of which is part of our journey. We found each other when we were able to be the best mate, the most thankful, the most giving to each other. We met at the perfect time for us.

And now that we found each other, it is the perfect time to make it officially forever. We were thrilled to choose a date in the near future for our wedding. October 25th ... October is a beautiful time of year here in Michigan, my favorite month, and the Fall is when we met last year, so what a wonderful time to say I DO. And what a joy our wedding planning is! We are on a budget, after all it is a very short amount of time to plan a wedding -- but I'm the bargain queen, as is my Matron of Honor (who we lovingly call "MOH".) Nature is deliciously beautiful in the Fall, so decorations are nearly free ... Pumpkins, pine cones, acorns, sticks, and corn stalks. My mind is always going a million miles an hour just bursting with ideas for our ceremony and reception. And just as our story is unique, so is our wedding. No traditional tuxedos and big, poofy white gowns for us. We have chosen vintage flair and a little whimsy. While I'd LOVE to dish about all the details here, I shall refrain so as not to ruin the surprises we have up our sleeves. Just know that we will have a cozy, unique gathering with the gorgeous reds, golds, and oranges of the trees as a backdrop, intertwining Irish traditions with Michigan autumnal beauty and a few winks from yesteryear. I can't wait to experience it all ... but most of all, I can't wait to be Mrs. Aidan Bannon. And I can't wait to see our children in the wedding. Aidan asked the boys to stand with him, and they accepted without hesitation ... And Jillian will be a flower girl. It's a beautiful way to celebrate our new family.

Funny, with all the dreaming and planning, I still have not taken a moment to sit down and write "Mrs. Aidan Bannon," or practice my new signature. Rochelle RenĂ© Bannon. Such a sweet ring to it! I do believe I will spend a few quiet moments with a pen just now, before Aidan comes home from work. Work -- I'll write more about it next time --- but our local Irish Pub now has a true Irishman in it! Ah but more about that later. I'm off to practice being Mrs. Aidan Bannon .... <3